Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
Peter Suber,
Department, Earlham College
I stopped updating this guide in February 2003, after eight years online. I plan to leave it online for the foreseeable future and hope that enough links are still alive to make it useful.
I know that the guide contains many dead links and omits many valuable new sites. For a comprehensive, well-organized, and up-to-date guide to philosophy on the internet, I can recommend Tom Stone's EpistemeLinks.
Peter Suber
Also see the sections on Bibliographies and
Miscellaneous philosophy sites.
For topics not on this list, try the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
and/or the Hippias search engine.
- Academic Dialogue on Applied Ethics.
Specific topics scheduled for public, interactive discussion on certain dates. From Carnegie-Mellon University's Center for the Advancement of Applied Ethics.
- Actualism.
From Paul Martin.
- Advayavada Buddhism. From John Willemsens.
Aesthetics On-Line.
From Dominic M. McIver Lopes.
- African and African-American History of Ideas.
With an emphasis on philosophy. From Melaku Tadesse.
- African Philosophy.
From Bruce Janz.
- African Philosophy.
From J. Maybee.
- Africana Philosophy and Philosophers of African Descent.
A guide to print and electronic resources.
From the University of Pennsylvania Library.
- Agnosticism and Atheism.
From Edited by Austin Cline.
- American Political Thought.
From Hugh Singerline.
- American Philosophy.
Site for an ambitious publishing project on the history of American thought from Thoemmes Press.
Already includes an extensive collection of web resources.
- Analytic.
Home page of a moderated mailing list on analytic philosophy,
including an archive of postings.
From Rodrigo Vanegas.
- Analytic Philosophy Central.
From Shannon Mauldin.
Anarchy Archives.
From Dana Ward. Thorough coverage of figures, issues, history, and web resources.
- Ancient Philosophy home page. From Y. Kaneko.
- Animal Rights. From Allen Schubert.
- Animal Rights Law Center.
Rutgers University School of Law.
- Anthropic Principle.
From Nick Bostrom.
- Applied
Ethics Resources on WWW.
From the Centre for Applied Ethics, University of British Columbia.
- Aristotle's Political Philosophy.
From Clifford Angell Bates, Jr. Annoying music.
- Artificial Intelligence.
From Jonathan Bowen.
- Artificial Intelligence.
From Yossi Mamroud.
- Artificial Intelligence. From Peter Suber.
- Artificial Life Online. From MIT
- Atheism.
From Mark Humphrys.
- Atheist links.
From Fredrik Bendz.
- Autopoiesis.
From Kent Palmer.
- Autopoiesis.
"The Observer Web" from Randall Whitaker.
- Bioethics.
From MedWeb at Emory University. Comprehensive list of links.
- Bioethics.
From the National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature.
- Bioethics.
From Bioethics Forum, Princeton University.
- Bioethics Discussion Pages. Moderated by Maurice Bernstein (M.D.).
- BioethicsLine.
From the Journal of the American Medical Association. Searchable.
- BioethicsLine.
From the Kennedy Institute of Ethics and the National Library of Medicine.
- Bioethics Links.
From the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics, University of Chicago.
- Bioethics Online Service.
Medical College of Wisconsin.
- Bioethics Resources.
From the Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania.
- Biomedical Ethics: Readings on the Internet.
An electronic anthology edited by Roger Rigterink.
- Biomedical Ethics Bookmarks.
From Jeff McLaughlin.
- Business Ethics.
From the Centre for Applied Ethics.
- Category Theory.
From Luca Mauri.
- Civil Society.
From Tom Bridges.
- Communitarianism.
From Dario Zanon.
- Complexity.
From Bruce Edmonds.
- Complexity and Artificial Life.
From Chris Lucas and CALResCo.
- Computer Ethics.
From Meng Weng Wong.
- Conceptual Metaphor
home page. From Alan Schwartz. Based on the work of George Lakoff.
- Consciousness.
From David Chalmers.
- Consciousness Studies.
From Stephen Jones.
- Consciousness Studies.
From Peter Lloyd.
Contemporary Continental Philosophy. From Scott Moore.
Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought. From Martin Ryder. A thorough list of links.
Continental Philosophy.
From Bruce Janz. Focusing on the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Continental Philosophy.
From Mark Paterson.
- Critical Theory.
Archive of a mailing list.
- Critical Theory.
From Douglas Kellner and Byron Hawk.
- Critical Theory. From George Landow.
- The Critical Thinking Community.
Resources for colleges and primary/secondary schools.
- Cultural Theory.
From Geoffrey Sauer.
- Culture and Critical Theory.
From Gregory Eiselein.
- Cybermind. Archive
of a mailing list.
- DeathNet.
From the Right to Die Society of Canada.
- Deconstruction on the Net.
From Kevin Sawad Brooks.
- Deism.
From the World Union of Deists.
- Diagrammatic Reasoning.
From Michael Anderson.
- Ecofeminism.
From Danna Polk.
- Ecology of Mind.
From Vincent Kelly.
- Eighteenth Century Resources in Philosophy. From Jack Lynch.
- Engineering Ethics.
From Robert Tillerson.
- Engineering and Computing Ethics.
From Joseph Herkert.
- Environmental Ethics.
From Eugene Hargrove.
- Epistemology.
From Keith DeRose.
- Epistemology, Consciousness, and the Mind.
A good collection of links from the Sputnik Drug Information Zone, especially strong in cognitive science.
- Ethical Issues in Professional Life.
Online supplement to a video course.
From Nebraska ETV Network, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- Ethical
Questions in Dentistry. From John Zimmerman.
- Ethics.
Institutes and resources mostly from Canada.
Contains a useful index of books for sale organized by ethical topic.
- Ethics and the Internet.
For a course at Duke by Wendy Robinson.
- Ethics and the News Media.
From Dave Sidwell.
- Ethics in Science. From Brian Tissue.
- Ethics of Belief.
From A. J. Burger.
- Ethics of Teaching. Anonymous.
- Ethics on the World Wide Web.
From the California State University, Fullerton, School of Communication.
- Ethics Resources on the Net.
From DePaul University.
Updates. From Lawrence Hinman. Updates on current ethics literature. Very
thorough and well organized.
Ethics. From Paul Martin Lester. Thorough and searchable.
- Euthanasia. Extensive.
Also available in French and Spanish.
- Evolution,
Complexity, and Philosophy. From Hans-Cees A.M. Speel.
- Existentialism.
From Indira Montoya.
- Existentialism.
From "Sartre".
From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Existential Nihilism
- Existential
Psychology. No links.
- Existentialism-Phenomenology.
From Victor Barbetti.
- Feminist Theory. From the University of Iowa libraries.
- Feminist Theory.
From Kristin Switala.
Multidisciplinary. Jump to the sectionsn on philosophy,
and ethics.
Also available in French and Spanish.
- Free-Market Libertarianism. From Free-Market.Net.
- Freethought, Atheism, and Evolution Links.
From rpcman.
- The Freethought Page.
From Phillip Moon.
- Fuzzy Logic Page.
From the Quadralay Corporation.
- Genetics and Ethics.
From Bryn Williams-Jones.
- Genetics and Public Issues.
From the National Center for Genome Resources.
- GeoEthics (geographical ethics).
From William S. Lynn.
- Hedonism.
From David Pearce. Less on the philosophy of hedonism than on the thing itself.
- History and
Philosophy of Science and Mathematics. University of Liverpool.
- History of Economic Thought.
From McMaster University. Covers such philosophers as Bentham, Berkeley, Hobbes, Hume, Marx, and Mill.
- History of Science, Technology, and Medicine.
From Tim Sherratt.
- History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science.
From Orin Thomas.
- Humanism. From Mark Willey.
- Human Rights.
From ForInt Law.
- Human Rights Resources.
From Stephen Hansen and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
- Imagination, Mental Imagery, Consciousness, and Cognition.
From Nigel J.T. Thomas.
- Indian Philosophy. From Shrikanth.
- Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies.
- Indian Philosophy and Religion.
From sarada.
- Information
Technology Ethics. From Bashir Jiwani.
- Intercultural Philosophy.
From Polylog.
Also available in German
and Spanish.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Edited by James Fieser. An ambitious, searchable online encyclopedia. It welcomes articles from professional philosophers.
- Internet Ethics.
A course by Wendy Robinson at Duke University, with a page of
relevant links.
- Journalism Ethics.
From EthicNet.
- Legal Ethics.
From Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute.
- Legal Ethics.
- Liberal Empiricism. (Offline, I hope temporarily.)
- Logic. From Avi Sion.
- Logic. From Peter Suber.
- Logic.
From Uwe Wiedemann. Mostly history of logic. In German.
- Logic and Set Theory. From Martin Flashmann.
- Logic, Language, and Reasoning Web
Space. Department of Computing, Imperial College.
- LogicAL.
Many links to sites devoted to logic, especially in relation to philosophy and
artificial life.
- Mathematical
Logic Around the World.
From the Mathematical Logic Group at the University
of Bonn.
- Mediaeval Logic and
Philosophy. From Paul Vincent Spade.
- Medical Ethics. European Database on Medical Ethics. To search for medical and bioethical literature.
- Memetics
- Metaphor: From Plato to the Postmodernists.
From Erica Jean Seidel.
- Metapsychology.
From Christian Perring. A column in Perspectives reviewing books on "philosophical, ethical, and historical issues in mental health."
- Military Ethics.
Professional ethics in the military. From the Joint Services Conference on Professional Ethics.
- Mind and Body, From
Descartes to William James. From Robert Wozniak.
- Mind/Brain Resources.
From Valerie Gray Hardcastle.
- Modern Political Theory.
From Charles Helm.
- Mysticism.
From Bruce Janz.
- Mysticism.
From Deb Platt.
- Neohumanism. From John Stevenson.
- Neopragmatism.
From David Hildebrand.
- Neuroscience and philosophy.
From Pete Mandik.
- New Foundations
home page. From Randall Holmes.
- Nineteenth Century Philosophy Home Page.
Created by G.J. Mattey for a course at University of California at Davis. Still under construction.
- Non-Cartesian Cognitive Science.
From Ronald Lemmen.
- Nonviolence and Peacemaking.
From Gray Cox.
- Objectivity.
From Pete Mandik.
- Descriptive and Formal Ontology.
From Raul Corazzon.
- Ontology.
From Enrico Franconi.
- Ontology.
From Doug Skuce.
- Pancritical
Rationalism. (Offline, I hope temporarily.)
- Person and Self.
From Shaun Gallagher.
- Perspectivism.
From Onar Åm.
- Phenomenology-Existentialism.
Links to major figures from both movements.
Opening page in Italian; most links to English-language sites.
From Salvatore Manai.
Annoying music.
- Philosophical Anthropology.
From the Verulam Institute of Human Studies.
- Philosophical Counseling. See the section on this under Miscellany.
- Philosophy and Computing.
Links relevant to his book of the same title, from Luciano Floridi.
- Philosophy of Education.
Links to relevant literature, from Frank Edler.
- Philosophy of Education.
From the Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Education.
Also available in Portuguese.
- Philosophy of Education.
From Paulo Ghiraldelli Jr. and Pedro Angelo Pagni. In Portuguese.
- Philosophy of History Archive.
From Nikolai S. Rozov.
- Philosophy of Mind. From Duke University.
- Philosophy of Mind.
From Marco Nani and Massimo Marraffa.
- Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science.
From Joe Lau.
- Philosophy of Physics. From Oxford University.
- Philosophy of Religion. From Scott Moore.
- Philosophy of Religion.
From Michael Sudduth.
- Philosophy of Science.
From Bruce Janz.
- Philosophy of Sport.
From Andy Miah.
- Philosophy of Technology. Links to relevant literature, from Frank Edler.
- Polish Philosophy.
Especially in the 20th century. From Francesco Coniglione.
- Political Philosophy.
From Maria Chiara Pievatolo.
- Political Theory. From Charles Helm.
- Political Theory. From J.D.R.
- Political Theory and Political Philosophy. From James Bolnar.
- Positivism.
In the Comtean sense. Mostly in French so far.
- Everything Postmodern.
From Greg Broquard.
- Post-Modern Thinking.
From pHinnWeb.
- Pragmatism.
From John Shook.
- Professional Ethics.
From the University of British Columbia Centre for Applied Ethics.
- Progressive Humanism.
From Carl Coon.
- Radical Constructivism.
From the Austrian Society for Cognitive Science.
- Reasoning.
Formal and informal logic. From Bruce Janz.
- Reflexive Social Theory.
From Kent Palmer.
- Science as Culture.
From Robert Young.
- Science Ethics Resources on the Net.
From Vince Hamner and Brian Tissue.
- Science Studies. Anonymous.
- Scientific Pantheism.
From Paul Harrison.
- Secular Humanism Web.
From the Council for Secular Humanism.
The Secular Web.
From the Internet Infidels. Very large and well-organized.
- Self-Reference in Phenomenology and Cognitive Science.
From Damjan Bojadziev.
- Semiotics.
From Martin Ryder.
- Semiotics.
A list of links compiled by the journal, Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique appliquée.
- Semiotics for Beginners.
From Daniel Chandler.
- Sensation and Perception Links.
From William Marmie.
- Set Theory.
From Luis Sanchis.
- Skepticism: Sources of Skeptical Information on the Internet.
Skepticism qua the debunking of paranormal claims, not qua the teachings of Pyrrho and his followers.
- The Skeptic's Refuge.
Another large site (like the previous one) dedicated to debunking the paranormal.
From Bob Carroll.
- Skepticism.
From Sergio Salles. In Portuguese. Soon to be translated into English.
- Social Cognition.
From Eliot Smith.
- Sociology of Knowledge.
From Martin Ryder.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Edited by Edward N. Zalta. A growing, online encyclopedia. Very impressive.
- Stoicism.
From William Connolly.
- Stoicism.
From Jan Garrett.
- Synchronicity.
From Patricia Barlow-Irick and Steven Hladkyj.
- Synergetics.
From Kirby Urner.
- Systematic Ideology.
From Trevor Blake.
- Taoism.
From Mr. Sage.
- Taoism.
From Gene Thursby.
- Taoist Resource Center. Anonymous.
- Teaching Ethics in Public Schools.
From Dean Waldfogel.
- Theology.
From Oliver May.
- Transhumanism.
From Nick Bostrom.
- Trinityism.
From Edward Bartek.
- The Turing Test. From Pinar Saygin.
- Twelfth Century Logic.
From Iwakuma Yukio.
- The Upanishads.
From Sreedhar Chintalapaty.
- Utilitarianism.
From Dan Bonevac and Paul Lyon.
- Void and Emptiness.
From Albert Ribas.
Also available in Spanish and Catalan.
- The Wisdom Page.
From Copthorne Macdonald.
- Women and Philosophy. From Margaret Porter. A section within the larger Women and Gender Studies Web Sites.
- Zombies.
From David Chalmers.
Peter Suber,
of Philosophy,
Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, 47374,
Copyright © 1996-2002, Peter Suber.