Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
Peter Suber,
Department, Earlham College
I stopped updating this guide in February 2003, after eight years online. I plan to leave it online for the foreseeable future and hope that enough links are still alive to make it useful.
I know that the guide contains many dead links and omits many valuable new sites. For a comprehensive, well-organized, and up-to-date guide to philosophy on the internet, I can recommend Tom Stone's EpistemeLinks.
—Peter Suber
While you wait, check out Graduate Student Funding
Opportunities and
Post-Doctoral Graduate Fellowships.
To practice philosophy without teaching, consider
Philosophical Counseling.
If the bad market has you thinking about retraining, read Philosophy and Enterprise.
- AAS Professional Personnel Registry Listings.
From the Association of Asian Studies.
All the listings are in one file, so you can search for philosophy jobs by using your browser's search command.
- Academic Employment Network.
Employers may post ads for free.
Candidates may search for jobs by field, state, or advertisement keyword.
Not all jobs at this site are at the college level.
- Academic Position Network.
Not free to post ads. Candidates may search ads by field, location, type, and other parameters.
Includes graduate fellowships and post-docs.
- Artificial Intelligence Job Posting Archives
- The Australasian Philosophy Network Jobs Page
- Chronicle
of Higher Education Ads for Jobs in Philosophy
- Colibri Job Listings.
Jobs in language, speech, and logic, mostly in Europe.
- Employment Opportunities and Resume Postings.
Links to academic job pages. Not limited to philosophy. Searchable. From Galaxy.
- Getting a Job in Philosophy.
From Brian Keeley.
- Grants, Fellowships, and Academic Positions.
From the Canadian Philosophical Association.
- H-Net's Job Guide.
Covers the humanities and social sciences.
Organized only by date of submission. Searching (e.g. by field) not yet supported, but coming.
- International Academic Job Market: Arts & Humanities.
- Jobs for Mathematicians. Philosophers would be lucky to have such a well-organized page.
Jobs for Philosophers. The publication of the
American Philosophical Association.
The most complete listing of philosophy jobs in the United States.
Full-text is available only to APA members in good standing.
You will need your membership ID for access.
- Jobs for Philosophers.
The discussion group hosted by the Philosophy News Service.
Jobs in Philosophy.
World-wide coverage, organized by continent and date of submission. Employers may post ads for free.
From PhilNet.
Also available in German,
and Spanish.
- Jobs in Philosophy of Education.
Employers and job seekers can post their ads free of charge.
From the Midwest Philosophy of Education Society.
- Jobs in Political Science and Political Theory.
From Poly-Cy, a comprehensive guide to political science on internet by Bob Duval.
- Jobs in the Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
- Jobs Section. From the online edition of the journal Mind.
- NIRA's World Directory of Think Tanks.
NIRA is the Japanese National Institute for Research Advancement.
This directory is very thorough.
Entries on individual think tanks do not list job vancancies, but do include
basic information for postal, phone, and email contact.
- Philosophical Services.
Helps you find non-academic jobs, including jobs in philosophical consulting and counseling.
Offers $50 registrtation for M.A. and Ph.D. philosophers so that you can be seen by employers who search or scan the site.
(Free registration for B.A. philosophers.)
Publishes ads for academic jobs at no charge.
- Philosophy Jobs.
The philosophy section of the web site on academic careers from
University Affairs, a Canadian journal.
Apparently these are the job ads only for the current or previous month.
- Philosophy Jobs.
Jobs section of the web site of the Society for Women in Philosophy (SWIP).
- Riley Guide to Jobs in Academe.
One of the best collections of academic jobs (not necessarily in philosophy).
Part of Margaret Riley Dikel's even larger
Riley Guide to job listings on the net.
If your department has a vacancy and your web site hosts an ad for it, then send
me the URL and I'll list it here. (Please include the date after which I may delete the link.)
Peter Suber,
of Philosophy,
Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, 47374,
Copyright © 1996-2002, Peter Suber.