Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
Peter Suber,
Department, Earlham College
I stopped updating this guide in February 2003, after eight years online. I plan to leave it online for the foreseeable future and hope that enough links are still alive to make it useful.
I know that the guide contains many dead links and omits many valuable new sites. For a comprehensive, well-organized, and up-to-date guide to philosophy on the internet, I can recommend Tom Stone's EpistemeLinks.
Peter Suber
Philosophy Journals and Newsletters
Also see the sections on Associations and societies,
Mailing lists, Projects,
and Preprints
- A Parte Rei.
"Revista de Filosofía."
The journal of La Sociedad de Estudios Filosóficos (Madrid).
Full-text online. In Spanish.
- A2HPS3 Newsletter. A2HPS3 = Australasian Association for the History,
Philosophy and Social Studies of Science. Full-text online.
- Acta Analytica.
Only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Aesthetica.
In Italian. Site contains online preprints but no other content.
- Aesthetics On-Line.
Electronic version of the American Society for Aesthetics Newsletter.
Full-text online.
- African Americans for Humanism Examiner.
Selected articles online.
- African Philosophy.
No online content (yet).
- Alexandria.
"A Journal of Cosmology, Philosophy, Myth, and Culture." Full-text online.
- American Association of Philosophy Teachers Newsletter
- American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly.
So far only tables of contents of special issues online. More to come.
- American Philosophical Association Newsletters.
Full-text of recent issues online only for APA members.
Full-text of selected past volumes online for the general public; more volumes coming.
- American Philosophical Quarterly.
Table of contents of current issue available at another site.
Otherwise no online content.
- American Society for Philosophy, Counseling, & Psychotherapy Newsletter. No online content.
- Analysis.
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
There is a separate journal home-page with less online content.
- Analyst.
The electronic supplement to the print journal, Analysis.
- Angelaki.
"Journal of the Theoretical Humanities." Only tables of contents online.
- Animus.
"A Philosophical Journal for our Time."
Table of contents and abstracts of current issue online.
- Annals of Pure and Applied Logic.
Tables of contents and abstracts online. Full-text accessible for registered subscribers.
- Annual Review of Law and Ethics / Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik.
Only tables of contents online.
- Antithesis.
"An interdisciplinary postgraduate journal of criticism, culture and theory." No online content.
- Aporia.
For undergraduate students.
- Appraisal.
"A Journal of Constructive and Post-Critical Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies."
Focusing largely but not exclusively on the work of Michael Polanyi.
Only tables of contents online.
- Arabic Sciences and Philosophy.
"A Historical Journal."
Only tables of contents are online.
- Arcana: Inner Dimensions of Spirituality.
Quarterly journal of the Swedenborg Association.
- Archive for Mathematical Logic. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
Articles from mid-1996 onwards downloadable in two formats,
but apparently only for Springer-Verlag account holders.
- Argumentation.
"An International Journal of Reasoning."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Arion.
"A Journal of the Humanities and Classics."
Only tables of contents and selected articles online.
- Asian Philosophy. Only tables of contents online.
- ASLME Briefings.
Newsletter of the American Society for Law, Medicine and Ethics.
- Association
for Symbolic Logic Newsletter. Full-text of recent issues online.
- The Atheist. Full-text online.
- Aufklärung und Kritik.
"Zeitschrift für freies Denken und humanistische Philosophie." In German.
Selected articles online.
- Augustinian Studies.
Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
Only tables of contents online so far.
- Axiomathes.
A quarterly journal of philosophy in Central Europe.
Only tables of contents online.
- Babel Magazine.
"A Literary, Political, and Philosophical Online Magazine."
- Basileus.
"An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for the Philosophy of Law."
Full-text online.
- Basilisk.
"An online journal of film, architecture, philosophy, literature, music, and perception." Full-text online.
- The Bentham Newsletter.
Full-text of the present issue, tables of contents of past issues.
- Between the Species: A Journal of Ethics.
From the Schweitzer Center of the San Francisco Bay Institute/Congress of Cultures. No online content.
- Bibliothek Philosophie Online.
In German. Full-text of selected articles online.
This site seems to have disappeared. Can anyone help locate it?
- Bioethics Bulletin. From the University of Alberta Division of Bioethics and the Bioethics Centre.
- Bioethics
Bulletin. From the University of Buffalo's
for Clinical Ethics and Humanities in Health Care.
- Biology and Philosophy.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Biomedical Ethics.
"Newsletter of the European Network for Biomedical Ethics."
- Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter
No online content.
- Bridges.
"An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology, Philosophy, History, and Sciences."
Only table of contents and abstracts of current issue online.
- British Journal for the History of Philosophy.
Only tables of contents online so far.
- British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
No online content.
- British Journal of Aesthetics. No online content.
- British Society for the History of Philosophy Newsletter.
Under construction.
- Bulletin de la Société de philosophie du Québec.
Abstracts and tables of contents online. In French.
- Bulletin of the Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Postmodern Thought.
University of Calgary.
- Bulletin of the Hume Society.
Full-text online.
- Bulletin of Medical Ethics.
Only selected articles online.
- Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. Tables of contents online, full-text in Postscript format available for downloading.
For another way to organize the Bulletin's content, see David Jones' bibliography.
- Business Ethics: A European Review.
Only tables of contents online so far.
- Business Ethics Quarterly.
Only the table of contents for the current issue is online.
- Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics.
Only tables of contents online so far.
- Canadian Atheist. Full-text online.
- Canadian Journal of Philosophy. Only
tables of contents online.
- Cathexis. An electronic journal of philosophy
from the student-run Aberdeen University Philosophy Society. Full-text online.
- Christian Bioethics.
"Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality."
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Cogito.
Journal of The Cogito Society. No online content.
- Cognition.
"International Journal of Cognitive Science."
Tables of contents and abstracts online, full-text downloadable in Acrobat format.
- Colibri.
On language, speech, logic, and information. Only event announcements online.
- Common Knowledge.
A multidisciplinary journal in philosophy, history, religion, politics, literary theory, art history, and psychoanalysis.
- Community Ethics Newsletter.
From the Consortium Ethics Program
of the University of Pittsburgh Center for Medical Ethics and the Hospital Council of Western Pennsylvania.
Full-text online.
- Computational Intelligence
- Conference.
"A Journal of Philosophy and Theory." Full-text online, searchable.
- Connexions.
"A Web Journal for Cognitive Scientists." Full-text online.
- Consciousness and Cognition. A journal of the Association for the
Scientific Study of Consciousness. Only tables of contents online so far.
- Constellations.
"An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory." Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Contemporary Philosophy.
"Philosophic Research, Analysis, and Resolution." No online content.
- Continental Philosophy Review.
"An International Philosophical Review." Formerly, Man and World.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Contretemps.
"An Online Journal of Philosophy." Full-text online.
- Critical Inquiry.
Tables of contents and excerpts online.
- The Critical Rationalist.
Full-text online. Each article available in 12 formats (yes, 12).
- Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
Only abstracts and tables of contents online.
- The Critical Thinker. From the United States Atheists Center for Rational Thought. Past issues downloadable in Acrobat format.
No readable online content from back issues.
- Crossings.
"A Cyberzine for Philosophy and Culture."
- CTheory.
"An international journal of theory, technology and culture." Full-text online.
- Cultural Logic.
"An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice." Full-text online.
- Cultural Values.
Tables of contents and abstracts on the web. Online full-text available to subscribers.
- Cyberphilosophy Journal.
An undergraduate journal from the University College of the Cariboo and the University of Alberta.
Full-text online.
- Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie.
"Zweimonatsschrift der internationalen philosophischen Forschung."
Tables of contents online. Only full-text of current issue online.
- Dialegesthai.
"Rivista telematica di filosofia." Full-text online.
While the front page and most articles are in Italian, it accepts articles in most European languages.
- Dialegesthai.
"Philosophical Themes." Full-text online.
- Dialogism.
"An International Journal of Bakhtin Studies." No online content.
- Dialogue.
"Canadian Philosophical Review / Revue canadienne de philosophie."
Only tables of contents online.
- Dianoia.
A Liberal Arts Interdisciplinary Journal from Augustana University College.
- Dialectica.
From the European Society for Analytic Philosophy. No online content.
- Dialektik.
"Enzyklopädische Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Wissenschaften."
- Didascalia.
A Journal for Philosophy and Philology from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance.
- Digital Danube Digest.
Publishes papers on philosophy and cyberspace. From the University of Vienna.
- Discourse.
"An Interdisciplinary Philosophical Journal." For graduate and undergraduate students.
Tables of contents online, full-text only of selected articles.
- Disputatio.
"A Journal of Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition."
Also available
in Portuguese.
- Dogma.
An online journal of philosophy, epistemology, psychoanalysis, and literature.
Full-text online. In English and French.
- Didascalia.
"A Journal for Philosophy and Philology from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance."
Full-text online, each article in HTML and LaTex.
- Diotima.
"A Philosophical Review." Full-text online.
- The Dualist.
An undergraduate philosophy journal from Stanford University.
- Earth Ethics. Only tables of contents online.
- Economics and Philosophy. Only
tables of contents online.
- Educational Philosophy and Theory.
Only tables of contents online.
- Educational Theory. Tables of contents and abstracts online, searchable.
- Eidos.
Primarily for graduate students and recent Ph.D.s.
- The Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy. Full-text online.
- Electronic Journal of Business and Organization Ethics.
Full-text online.
- The Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies
- E-Logos.
Full-text available for downloading.
- Ends and Means.
Newsletter of the University of Aberdeen Centre for Philosophy Technology and Society.
- Environmental Ethics.
Only tables of contents online.
- Environmental Values. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Episteme.
"Epistemological Controversies in the Humanities and Social Sciences."
No online content.
- Epistemologia.
"An Italian Journal for the Philosophy of Science."
Tables of contents online. Selected articles have online abstracts, others appear in full-text.
In Italian and English.
- Epoché.
"A Journal for the History of Philosophy." Only tables of contents online.
- Erkenntnis.
"An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Erosophia.
"A Journal for the Philosophy of Sex and Love."
No online content.
- Esoterica.
"The Journal of Esoteric Studies." Full-text online.
- Essays in Philosophy.
"A Biannual Journal."
Full-text online.
- Estigma.
Full-text online. In Spanish.
- The Ethical Spectacle.
From Jonathan Wallace. Full-text online.
- Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.
"An International Forum."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Ethics.
"An International Journal of Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy."
Only tables of contents online.
- Ethics and Behavior.
No online content.
- Ethics and the Environment.
University of Georgia.
- Ethics and Information Technology.
No online content.
- Ethics and Intellectual Disability.
"Newsletter of the Network on Ethics and Intellectual Disability."
- Ethics and Medics.
From the Pope John Center for the Study of Ethics in Health Care.
- Ethics, Place, and Environment.
A journal of geographical ethics. No online content.
- Ethics Today.
Recent issues downloadable (Adobe Acrobat format), not viewable online.
- Etica & Politica.
Electronic journal of the Philosophy Department of the University of Trieste.
Full-text online. In Italian. Some articles in English.
- Eubios Ethics Institute Newsletter.
Full-text online.
- Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics.
Full-text online.
- European Journal of Philosophy.
Tables of contents and abstracts online, searchable.
- European Society for Analytic Philosophy Newsletter. Full-text online.
- The Examined Life.
Full-text online.
- Ex Nihilo.
Journal of the undergraduate philosophy association, University of Texas, Austin.
- Exordium.
Journal of the Student Philosophy Association at the University of Queensland. Tables of contents online.
- Feminist Studies in Aotearoa Electronic Journal.
Full-text of current issue online; only tables of contents of past issues.
- Fichteana.
Full-text of past issues online.
- Film and Philosophy.
From the Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts. Full-text online.
- Filomusica.
"Música clásica, musicología, educación musical y Filosofía de la música."
Full-text online.
- La Filosofia Analitica.
In Italian. Full-text of current issue online.
- Filosofie Magazine.
Full-text online. In Dutch.
- Foundations of Chemistry.
"Philosophical, Historical and Interdisciplinary Studies of Chemistry."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Foundations of Science.
"The Official Journal of the Association for Foundations of Science, Language and Cognition."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Free Inquiry.
Only tables of contents online.
- From The Logical Point of View.
"International journal devoted to problems of philosophical and mathematical logic."
From the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Only table of contents of last issue online.
- Giornale di Metafisica.
Tables of contents online. Selected recent articles appear in full-text.
- Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal.
Only tables of contents online.
- Grazer Philosophische Studien.
Volume themes or titles online, but no other online content.
- Harvard Review of Philosophy.
Only tables of contents online.
- Health Care Analysis.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- The Heythrop Journal.
"A Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology."
Only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- History and Philosophy of Logic.
Only tables of contents online.
- History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. No online content.
- History and Theory.
"Studies in the Philosophy of History." Only tables of contents of recent issues online.
- History of European Ideas.
Only tables of contents online.
- History of Philosophy Quarterly.
Only the table of contents for the current issue is online.
- History of Political Thought
- Hobbes Studies.
No online content.
- Horizons philosophiques.
In French. Only tables of contents of volumes since 1990 online.
- Hot AIR: Annals of Improbable Research
- Humanitas.
From the National Humanities Institute.
Although articles are PDF's, they are only available by FTP.
Full-text from 1992 to present online. Earlier issues online only for subscribers.
- Human Studies.
"A Journal for Philosophy and the Social Sciences."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Husserl Studies.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
"An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry."
University of Karlsruhe, Institute of Philosophy. Full-text online (in German).
- Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy
- Hysteron Proteron.
Edited by Paul Miranda. So far publishing articles only by Paul Miranda.
- If...Then.
"The journal of philosophical enquiry in education." Selected full-text articles online.
- Informal Logic.
"Reasoning and Argumentation in Theory and Practice." Contents of recent issues online.
- Information Philosophie im Internet.
Apparently full-text of current issue (one article) and no other online content.
- Injustice Studies.
Refereed online journal. No online content yet, but only because it is new.
- Inquiry.
"Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines." Full-text online.
- Inquiry.
"An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy."
Tables of contents of most issues online.
- Intellectual News.
Newsletter of the International Society for Intellectual History.
Only tables of contents online.
- International Gramsci Society Newsletter
- International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- International Journal of Applied Philosophy.
Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- International Journal of Philosophical Studies.
Full-text available online to paid subscribers. Only tables of contents online for others.
Another site.
- International Kierkegaard Newsletter.
From the University of Tasmania.
- International Society for Environmental Ethics Newsletter
- International Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
Only tables of contents online.
- Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare, and Ethics.
Full-text online.
- Issues in Ethics.
From the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University.
Full-text online.
- Janus Head.
"Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts."
Full-text online.
- Journal for General Philosophy of Science.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of Aesthetics
and Art Criticism.
Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics.
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Applied Philosophy.
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.
Tables of contents and abstracts in HTML format, full-text in PostScript format, searchable.
- Journal of Biblical Ethics in Medicine
From the Center for the Advancement of Paleo Orthodoxy (CAPO)
- Journal of Buddhist Ethics.
Full-text online.
- Journal of Business Ethics.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of the Canadian Society for Aesthetics.
Full-text of its most recent issue.
- Journal of Chinese Medical Ethics.
Abstracts only.
- Journal of Consciousness Studies.
Tables of contents and abstracts online, plus full-text of selected articles.
- Journal of Ethical Studies.
In Japanese, requiring a Japanese-enabled browser. Not the same as the English-language journal of the same title
published by the International Association of Ethicists (and so far without a web site).
- Journal of Ethics.
"An International Philosophical Review."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of Evolution and Technology.
Full-text online. Formerly called the Journal of Transhumanism.
- Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.
Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of the History of Philosophy.
Tables of contents of recent issues online.
- Journal of Indian Philosophy.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of the Interest Group on Pure and Applied Logic (IGPL)
- Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy. No online content.
- Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics.
Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Logic, Language and Information.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of Logic and Computation.
Tables of contents and abstracts online. Searchable.
- Journal of Medical Ethics. Tables of contents online from 1996 to present. No online text before 1996.
- Journal of Medical Humanities _lase="hippias:2".
Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Medicine and Philosophy.
"A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine."
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Mind and Behavior.
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Moral Education.
Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Neoplatonic Studies.
Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Nietzsche
- Journal of Philosophical Logic
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Journal of Philosophical Research.
Only tables of contents online so far.
- Journal of Philosophy of Education.
"The Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain."
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of the
Philosophy of Science and Mathematics
- Journal of Philosophy, Science, and Law.
Full-text online.
- Journal of Political Philosophy.
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Pragmatics.
"An Interdisciplinary Monthly of Language Studies."
Only tables of contents online.
- Journal of Religious Ethics.
Full-text online only for subscribers.
For non-subscribers, no online except some tables of contents at an old gopher site.
- Journal of Speculative Philosophy.
No online content.
- Journal of Symbolic Logic.
No online content.
- Journal of the History of Ideas.
Full-text of recent volumes online but only for users from subscribing institutions.
- Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy
- Journal of the Philosophy of Science and Mathematics
- Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Journal of Value Inquiry.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Kantian Review.
Only tables of contents online.
- Kant-Studien.
Table of contents for all issues since 1997 online.
- Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal.
Full-text online but only for users from subscribing institutions.
- Kinesis. For the works of graduate students in philosophy.
Online tables of contents.
- Kosmos.
On the relations between between cosmology, philosophy, myth, and culture. No online text.
- Krisis Philosophical Review.
University of Bucharest.
Full-text online at least in PDF or downloadabld ZIP formats. Some back issues also online in HTML.
Also available in Romanian.
- Kriterion.
"Journal of Philosophy."
Only tables of content online.
- Kruzak.
"Croatian Journal of Philosophy."
Full-text of articles online, but not book reviews.
- Labyrinth.
"International Journal for Philosophy, Feminist Theory and Cultural Hermeneutics."
No online content yet; it's just starting out. Plans for full-text online.
- Law and Philosophy.
"An International Journal for Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Law and Social Inquiry.
"For research and critical commentary spanning law and sociology, economics,
history, philosophy, and other social sciences."
- Legal Theory.
Only tables of contents online.
- Leibniz Society Review.
Only the table of contents for the current issue is online at this site.
Past tables of contents are online here.
- Linguistics and Philosophy.
"A Journal of Natural Language Syntax, Semantics, Logic, Pragmatics and Processing."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- LOGBANK: The Polish Electronic Magazine for Logic and Philosophy
- Logic Journal of the Interest Group in Pure Logic.
"An Electronic Journal on Pure and Applied Logic."
Tables of contents and abstracts online. Full-text downloadable in several formats.
- Logical Analysis and the History of Philosophy.
Tables of contents and abstracts online. Also available in German.
- Logos
- Mariage de Raison.
Electronic philosophy journal from Belgium.
- Mathematical Logic Quarterly.
No online content.
- Mathesis Universalis.
From the Warsaw Scientific Society.
- Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy.
"A European Journal."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Medieval Philosophy and Theology. Only tables of contents online, and only in the form of scanned covers (hence not searchable).
- Metaphilosophy
- Metaphysical Review.
"Essays on the Foundation of Physics." Full-text of recent issues.
- Metascience.
"An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science."
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
There is a separate journal home-page with no online content.
- Meteorite.
A student journal of philosophy from the University of Michigan. Brand new.
No online content yet.
- Method: The Journal of Lonergan Studies
- Mind.
Tables of contents and abstracts from 1996 issues to the present.
- Mind and Language.
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Minds and Machines.
"Journal for Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, and Cognitive Science."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Minerva.
"An Internet Journal of Philosophy." Full-text online.
- Missing Link.
An E-zine for Cyberspace, Philosophy, and Culture. In German.
- Modern Logic.
"International Journal for the History of Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, and Foundations of
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- The Modern Schoolman.
"A Quarterly Journal of Philosophy." No online content.
- Monet:
The Monist Online Service
- Monist.
Only tables of contents online.
- Moral Musings.
"A Quarterly Journal of Social and Political Thought."
Full-text online, but now requires registration (which is free of charge).
- Newsletter from the Tokyo Association for Greek Philosophy
- Newsletter of the SPSCVA.
SPSCVA = Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts. Full-text online.
- Newsletters of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology
- Noetica.
Journal of the Australian Cognitive Science Society. Full-text online.
- Non Serviam.
Articles on egoism and individualism in the tradition of Max Stirner.
Full-text online.
- The Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic. University of Oslo.
- North America Spinoza Society Newsletter.
Full-text online.
- Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic.
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
Full-text online.
- Noûs.
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- NTM.
"International Journal of History and Ethics of Natural Sciences, Technology and Medicine." No online content.
- Objectivity.
"A journal of metaphysics, epistemology, and theory of value informed by
modern science." This journal is 'objectivist' in the special sense of that term
used by Randians.
- The Observer.
"An Internet Newsletter / Journal on Autopoiesis & Enactive Cognitive Science."
- On-Line Information About Journals in Philosophy and Related Disciplines . From Peter Milne.
- The On-Line Journal of Ethics.
"An on line journal of cutting edge research in the field of business & professional ethics."
Full-text online.
- Overheard in Seville.
"Bulletin of the Santayana Society."
Only tables of contents online.
- The Owl of Minerva. Journal of the Hegel Society of America.
Site contains a 25 year index but no other online content.
- Pacific Philosophical Quarterly.
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Parol.
A quarterly journal of art and epistemology. In Italian. Apparently full-text online, though organized by topic, not year and issue.
- Pegasus. "Electronic Journal of Philosophy." Under construction.
- Personalist Forum. Tables of contents online.
- Perspectives on Science. Selected tables of contents online.
- Peruvian Journal of Applied Philosophy. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
Also available in Spanish.
- Philo.
"The Journal of the Society of Humanist Philosophers."
Only tables of contents and selected articles online.
- The Philosopher.
Full-text of recent issues online.
- The Philosopher's Annual
An annual journal publishing its editors' choices for the 10 best articles of the year.
Only tables of contents of back issues and full text of selected articles online.
- The Philosopher's Imprint.
Full-text online.
- Philosopher's Index. From the Philosopher's Information Center. No online content.
See my instructions on How To Use Philosopher's Index.
- The Philosopher's Magazine.
Full-text of the current issue online. Only tables of contents of back issues online.
- Philosophia. "Revista temática y bibliográfica." In Spanish.
- Philosophia Christi.
"Journal of the Evangelical Philosophical Society."
Only tables of contents online.
- Philosophia Mathematica. No online content.
- Philosophia naturalis. In German.
Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- Philosophica. Full-text online. In Spanish.
- Philosophical Books.
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Philosophical Explorations. "An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action." No online content.
- Philosophical Investigations.
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Philosophical Papers. Tables of contents online.
- Philosophical Psychology. Tables of contents online.
- The Philosophical Quarterly.
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Philosophical Studies.
"An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Philosophical Writings.
"An International Journal for Postgraduates."
Only tables of contents online.
- Philosophique. "Revue de la Société de philosophie du Québec." Abstracts and tables of contents online. In French.
- Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger. No online content.
- Philosophy.
Only tables of contents online.
- Philosophy and Geography. From the Society for Philosophy and Geography.
- Philosophy and Literature.
Tables of contents online for all. Full-text online for users from subscribing institutions.
- Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Editorial information but no online articles.
- Philosophy and Public Affairs. No online content.
- Philosophy and Rhetoric. No online content.
- Philosophy and Theology.
Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- Philosophy East and West.
A Quarterly of Comparative Philosophy.
- Philosophy in Japan
- Philosophy in the Contemporary World.
Quarterly journal of the Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World. No online content.
- Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology
(PNP) Newsletter. From the Washington University PNP doctoral program.
- Philosophy Now.
"A Magazine of Ideas."
Only tables of contents online.
- Philosophy of Education Yearbook. Full-text online.
- Philosophy of Mathematics Education Newsletter
- Philosophy of Science.
Only tables of contents of recent issues online.
Another URL.
- Philosophy of Science Association Newsletter
- Philosophy Newsletter.
From the philosophy site.
- Philosophy Now.
"A Magazine of Ideas."
Only tables of contents and selected articles online.
- Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology.
Full-text of recent issues but only for users from subscribing institutions.
"Revista de Filosofía." Full-text online (in Spanish).
- Pli.
"The Warwick Journal of Philosophy."
Tables of contents of recent issues online.
- Polylog.
"Forum for Intercultural Philosophizing."
Full-text online.
Apparently all articles are published in German
and Spanish.
- The Popper Newsletter. Full-text online, but apparently not up to date.
- Positive Atheism.
Full-text online.
- Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and Humanities.
Tables of contents and synopses online.
- Practical Philosophy.
"Newsletter of the Society of Consultant Philosophers."
Full-text online.
- Premise.
From the Center for the Advancement of Paleo Orthodoxy (CAPO)
- Principia.
"An International Journal of Epistemology."
- Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society.
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- The Proceedings of the Friesian School, Fourth Series.
- Process Studies.
Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- Prospero.
"A journal of new thinking in philosophy for education." Only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- ProtoSociology.
"An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research."
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
Also available in German.
- Psyche.
"An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness."
Journal of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness.
Full-text of recent issues.
- Public Affairs Quarterly.
For the philosophical study of public policy issues.
Only the table of contents of the current issue is online.
- Qui Parle.
"Literature, Philosophy, Visual Arts, History."
From the University of California at Berkeley.
- Quodlibet.
"Online Journal of Philosophical Theology."
Full-text online.
- Radical Philosophy.
"A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Philosophy."
Tables of contents and extracts (longer than abstracts) online.
- Ratio.
"An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy."
- Ratio Juris.
"An International Journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law."
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Reason.
"Free minds and free markets." Full-text of past issues online.
- Reason in Practice.
"The Journal of the Philosophy of Management."
No online content (yet).
- Reid Studies.
No online content.
- Report from the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy.
Quarterly newsletter of the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy.
- Reports on Mathematical Logic.
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- République Internationale des Lettres.
A journal of literature, philosophy, art, history, science, and politics. In French. Full-text online.
- Research in Phenomenology.
No online content.
- Res Publica.
"A Journal of Legal and Social Philosophy." Abstracts and tables of contents online.
- Review of Metaphysics.
No online content.
- Revista Patagónica de Filosofía.
In English and Spanish. Only tables of contents online.
- Russell.
"Journal of the Bertrand Russell Archives."
- Secular Humanist Bulletin.
Full-text of recent issues online.
- Sic et Non.
"Online Forum for Philosophy and Culture." In German.
Formerly titled, Philosophia Perennis.
Allows uploading of critical responses and downloading of zipped articles.
- Skeptic Magazine.
Only tables of contents online.
- Skeptic Magazine.
(Not the same as the previous entry of the same title.) Tables of contents and selected articles online.
- The Skeptical Inquirer.
From the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.
Tables of contents and selected articles from back issues online.
- The Skeptical Review.
Full content online.
- Social Epistemology. No online content.
- Social Philosophy and Policy.
Only tables of contents online.
- Social Theory and Practice.
"An International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Social Philosophy."
Only selected tables of contents online.
- Society for Philosophy and Technology Quarterly.
Full-text online.
- Socrate & Co.
"Des Philosophes pour une Nouvelle Information."
Full-text online. In French.
- Sorites. An Electronic Quarterly of Analytical Philosophy. Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Stoa.
"Undergraduate International Journal of Philosophy."
Full-text online.
- The Stoic Voice.
Full-text online.
- Student Journal of Philosophy.
From Carleton University, Ottawa. Full-text online.
- Student Philosophy Online. Maintained by Ben Fugitt.
- Studia Logica.
"An International Journal for Symbolic Logic."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Studies in East European Thought.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Studies in the History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences.
Some content (unclear what) accessible to registered "Content Direct" subscribers. No other online content.
- Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
Only tables of contents online.
- Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science. No online content.
- Studies in Philosophy and Education.
"An International Quarterly."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- SubStance.
"A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism."
- Symposia.
All content will be online (but none yet because the journal is so new).
- Symposium.
"Journal of the Canadian Society for Hermeneutics and Postmodern Thought."
Tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Syntax.
"A Journal of Theoretical, Experimental and Interdisciplinary Research."
Full-text online only for subscribers. For non-subscribers, only tables of contents and abstracts online.
- Synthese.
"An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Tabula Rasa.
"A Journal of Critical Thought." Full-text online. In German.
- Teaching Business Ethics.
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Teaching Philosophy.
Only tables of contents online.
- Technoscience.
"Newsletter of the Society for Social Studies of Science." Full-text of recent issues online.
- Tekhnema.
"The Journal of Philosophy and Technology." Full-text online.
- Teorema.
Only tables of contents online so far. A Spanish language journal, also available in English.
- Textual Reasoning.
"The Journal of the Postmodern Jewish Philosophy Network." Full-text online.
- Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics.
"Philosophy of Medical Research and Practice."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Theoria.
"A Journal of Social and Political Theory."
Only tables of contents online.
- Theoria.
"A Swedish Journal of Philosophy."
Only tables of contents online.
- Theory and Society.
"Renewal and Critique in Social Theory."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Thesis 11. "Rethinking Social and Political Theory." Only table of contents for most recent issue online.
- Thinking.
"The Journal of Philosophy for Children."
Only the table of contents for the current issue is online.
- The Thomist.
"A Speculative Quarterly Review." No online content for non-subscribers.
- Topoi.
"An International Review of Philosophy."
Tables of contents online, searchable.
- Traditio.
"Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought, and Religion." No online content.
- Trends.
The Newsletter for the
Teaching Research
Ethics project from the
Poynter Center.
- The Trumpeter.
"Journal of Ecosophy."
Full-text of current issue online. Full-text of back issues coming.
- Ultimate Reality and Meaning.
"Interdisciplinary Studies in the Philosophy of Understanding." No online content.
Undergraduate Philosophy Journals, Conferences, Essay contests.
A list with addresses and submission details.
- L'Unità del Pensiero
"Periodico mensile di ricerca filosofica." Full-text online (in Italian).
Also available in English.
- Utilitas.
An interdisciplinary journal of moral and political philosophy, economic theory,
jurisprudence, and intellectual history. No online content.
- Virtuosity.
"The Official Newsletter of the Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy."
- Volga Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences.
In Russian. Only tables of contents online.
- The Voluntaryist.
Tables of contents and excerpts from past issues online.
- The Weekly Wisdom.
Weekly philosophy newsletter at Beloit College. Full-text online.
- Wisdom's Children.
"A virtual journal of philosophy, theology, and literature."
Full-text online.
- Wittgenstein-Studien.
In German.
- Word Trade.
Newsletter of reviews of new books in philosophy and religion.
Jump to the philosophy section.
- World Hongming Philosophical Quarterly.
Also available in Chinese.
Only tables of contents online. Full-text downloadable.
Annoying music.
- Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung.
Only tables of contents and abstracts online.
Peter Suber,
of Philosophy,
Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, 47374,
Copyright © 1996-2002, Peter Suber.