Open Access News

News from the open access movement

Friday, April 07, 2006

Iowa grad students support OA

Last November (11/29/05), the University of Iowa Faculty Senate adopted a resolution calling on faculty and administrators to support OA journals and repositories. George Porter has learned that the vote was unanimous.

Last month (3/22/06), the Iowa Graduate Student Senate adopted a similar resolution. Excerpt:

The University of Iowa Graduate Student Senate:
  1. Supports the University of Iowa Faculty Senate in their resolution of November 29, 2005, on Scholarly Publishing.
  2. Encourages graduate students to become familiar with the pricing and business practices of journals and journal publishers in their specialty.
  3. Recognizes that graduate students, as they move along in their career, can exert a positive influence on the direction of scholarly publishing through the choices they make in the submission of papers, the commitment of time to refereeing activities, and participation in editorial work.
  4. Encourages the University to support new models for scholarly publishing, including open access journals and archives, disciplinary and institutional repositories and other approaches that enhance the broad dissemination of knowledge while preserving peer review and excellence in scholarship.
  5. Recognizes that graduate students can retain intellectual property rights, in order to allow them greater freedom to disseminate their work and thereby maximize the impact of their scholarship.
  6. Encourages higher education to support these changes through the promotion and tenure system and other reward mechanisms, and by providing incentives and support for those advancing alternative models.