MATH 288: Intro to Proof   -   Fall 2021


  • Date of announcement: August 23, 2021

    Midterm Test: This is to remind everyone that the Midterm Test will be held this Friday, August 27, at 12:40 pm, in class. It will be a regular "closed-book" test, and is to be taken without the use of notes, books, calculators or any other aids.

    The test will cover Ch. 1-2. It will consist of a bunch of shorter, conceptual type questions, followed by 2-3 more detailed proofs, such as those you've been doing on homework. To give you a flavor of some similar types of questions, here is copy of a test from the year 2012, which is last time I taught this course. Please be aware that this old test covers more topics than our test will cover.

  • Date of announcement: August 19, 2021

    Women in STEM events: There are 2 special events next week aimed at reducing barriers and encouraging women to pursue STEM careers. Here are some details, for those who are interested:

    1. August 24: Virtual career fair.
      This is a free event that includes a keynote lecture by Maya Ajmera, President and CEO of Society for Science, after which students can meet and network with experts, alumni, employers, etc. Here is a link with more information

    2. August 26: Women's Equality Day webinar.
      This is a webinar and panel discussion on gender equity in the STEM community. The panel includes Dr. Amanda Goodson, NASA Aerospace Engineer, and Aurora Martinez, VP and General Manager of Math and Science Foundations at Wiley. Click here for more information.
      And here is the link to register for the event.

  • Date of announcement: August 6, 2021

    Welcome: ... to Intro to Proof! Our first class meets at 12:40 pm, August 9 in CST 229.

    This fun and unique class is probably very different from most math classes you've taken before. It is designed to help students transition to higher mathematics, and to prepare you for upper level courses in the major sequence and beyond. In a way, your previous experiences with math -- whether good or bad -- will likely have no impact on how you do in this class. Everyone essentially starts with a clean slate in terms of mathematical talent, and then builds up from there.

    My key objective in this course is to help you develop confidence and comfort with the foundational skills needed to do "real" math, as some people would describe it! I encourage you to approach the class with an explorative and inquiring mind. As your instructor, my objective is to give you my best and to help you in every way I can -- not only to learn the material and to perform well, but also to find enjoyment in the course! Together let's make this a great semester!