HTML Workshops June 1998
The following paperback is now available in the bookstore. It's recommended but not required for the workshop.
HTML 4 for the World Wide Web
by Elizabeth Castro
Peachpit Press, 3d ed., 1998
Please bring a 3.5" disk to the workshop. That will allow you to save your work your first web page. You can bring it back to the Friday follow-up session or take it home to polish it.
This page is up to date as of June 21, 1998. Final enrollment = 65.
PC/Windows Workshop
Peter Suber
Noyes PC Lab (Wildman basement)Mac Workshop
Liffey Thorpe
Dennis Mac Lab (Dennis 224)June 18
10:00 amJune 25
2:00 pm* Participants with asterisks by their names told us they had no date preference.
° Participants with degree symbols by their names have not been heard from since we announced the workshop dates.As you can imagine, there are many sites on the web devoted to HTML instruction, reference, tips, and techniques. Here are our picks.
- Bare Bones Guide To HTML. From Kevin Werbach. Also available in 21 other languages.
- Beginner's Guide to HTML. From the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA).
- HTML Reference Manual. From Sandia National Laboratories. Not updated since 1996, but still valid on the basics.
- HTML Hell Page. From Eric Raymond.
- HTML Quick Reference. From Michael Grobe.
- Internet Hyper-Glossary. From Steve Jenkins. Not HTML-specific, but if HTML is new to you, then many other internet terms will be too.
- Know the Code: HTML for Beginners. From c|net.
- So You Want To Make A Web Page! From Joe Barta.
- Webmonkey HTML Tutorial. From HotWired.
Intermediate and Advanced
- Art and the Zen of Web Sites. From Tony Karp.
- ColorPicker. From Professional Web Design.
- Creating Killer Web Sites. From David Siegel.
- D.J. Quad's Ultimate HTML Site. From DJQ.
- Guide to Web Style. From Netscape.
- How Did They Do That With HTML?. From Carl Tashian.
- HTML Home Page. From the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the group that defines HTML standards.
- HTML Goodies. From Joe Burns.
- The HTML Writers Guild. From the guild.
- Index Dot HTML: The Advanced HTML Reference. From Brian Wilson.
- Jeffrey Zeldman Presents. From JZ.
- Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi. From Richard Rutter.
- The Web Developer's Virtual Library. From Mecklermedia.
- Web Page Design for Designers. From Joe Gillespie.
- Web Wonk: Tips for Writers and Designers. From David Siegel.
- Web Worker's Toolbox. From Robert Crooks.
- Webling's Café. From Tom Venetianer.
- Webmonkey. From HotWired.
-, The Webmaster's Reference Library. From Mecklermedia.
Truth in advertising. Visit some HTML productions of your teachers. See what you're getting in for.
- Peter's home page. Here's another example of Peter's work.
- Liffey's home page. Here's another example of Liffey's work.
- One of our joint productions.