Crimes & Torts
Course-Related LinksPeter Suber, Legal Studies, Earlham College
Since 1996 I've made link pages like this one for each of my courses. In the meantime, the size of the web and the power of search engines have both leaped forward. The growth of the web has made representative or comprehensive link pages more difficult to produce, and the improvement of search engines has made them less necessary. Link pages can still be very useful, but to make them more useful than the best search engines takes more work than they are usually worth. So I won't be updating this link page (from the previous iteration of the course) but I leave it online in case it has any remaining utility. When I know of specific web pages helpful for a class discussion, then I'll mail out the URLs to the class email list during the semester (and I encourage you to do the same). For general online research on the many topics of the course, I recommend Google. Peter.
- Criminal law
- Tort law
- Legal dictionaries
- Primary sources of U.S. law
- Secondary sources
- International law
- Legal search engines
- Thinking about law school
- Newsgroups
- Other
There are hundreds of good web pages that collect links to U.S. law. The only excuse to make another one is to customize it for (1) undergraduate students (2) studying law as a liberal art (3) in Indiana (4) for my course, Crimes & Torts. I hope I've selected links that get you where you most want to go. Let me know if you find others I should include.
Criminal law
- State Criminal Codes. Guide to the state codes on the internet from Cornell Law School.
- Indiana Code. From Indiana University School of Law. Searchable. Jump to the section on criminal law and procedure.
- Indiana Code. Another copy. From the State of Indiana. Searchable. Criminal law and procedure.
- Also see the table of primary sources of U.S. law below.
- Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do. Book-length argument for decriminalizing consenting acts between adults in private. By Peter McWilliams.
- The American Bar Association's Criminal Justice Section. Includes a good selection of links.
- Anatomy of a Murder. Good introduction to procedure. Step-by-step presentation of (typical) investigation, arrest, indictment, arraignment, and trial in a fictitious murder case.
- Crime and Law Enforcement Links. From EINet Galaxy.
- Crime and Social Deviance. Links in the sociology of crime. From Albert Benschop.
- Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
Criminal Justice Resources on the Web. A very comprehensive set of criminal justice links. From Cecil Greek.
- Criminal Justice Section. From the American Bar Association. Has a good collection of links.
- Criminal Law. News of the field from Law Journal Extra.
- Criminal Law. An introduction to the field, with links, from Martindale-Hubbell.
Criminal Law and Evidence. From Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington. Searchable. One of the best collections of criminal law links.
- Criminal Law Links. From the Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy.
- Criminal Law Materials. From the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. Good set of links.
- Criminal Law Outline. Archie Lytle's notes from a course at the Detroit College of Law.
- Death Penalty Law Links. Federal and Tennessee law links.
- FBI 10 Most Wanted Fugitive List. Save a trip to the post office.
- Federal Grand Jury Home Page. An information site that should answer all your questions. Also covers state grand juries. From Susan Brenner and Greg Lockhart.
- Guide to Internet Resources in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. From the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy at the University of British Columbia.
- Internet Crime Archives. When you're tired of law and want the gory details. Annoying music.
- Journals
- Criminal Law Forum. An international journal from Rutgers University School of Law.
- European Jounal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
- Justice Information Center. Huge collection of documents and links. Especially strong on juvenile justice. From the National Criminal Justice Reference Service.
- Miscellaneous Links for Criminal Justice Research. From the Law School of the University of Kent.
- National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Good collection of links from the defense point of view.
- National Institute of Corrections. From the U.S. Department of Justice.
- Outside the United States
- Crime, Law, and Police Resources. For a course at the University of Leeds. Good links to sources on British criminal justice.
- INTERPOL. The International Criminal Police Organization.
- U.K. Criminal Justice. Thorough on the U.K., naturally. But also good on continental Europe and the rest of the world.
- United Nations Crime and Justice Information Network. From the U.N. Includes valuable statistics on crime around the world.
- United Nations Online Crime and Justice Clearinghouse. From the U.S. National Institute of Justice. An organization to help criminological institutes of U.N. member nations exchange information.
- World Factbook on Criminal Justice Systems. From the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Includes a section on international crime statistics.
- Also see my section on international law below.
- Prison Issues Desk. From the Prison Activist Resource Center.
- Rate Your Risk. Take a quiz and find out your chances of becoming a victim of crime.
- Sexual Assault Information Page. From Chris Bartley. Thorough and searchable.
- Shielded From Justice. "Police Brutality and Accountability in the United States of America." From Human Rights Watch.
- Statistics
- Bureau of Justice Statistics. From the U.S. Department of Justice. Comprehensive data on crime and corrections in the U.S.
- Criminal Justice Statistics. Huge number of links to relevant web sites, including sites on other nations around the world. From the National Criminal Justice Reference Service.
- National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. Voluminous. From the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Socical Research, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and The National Institute of Justice.
- National Clearinghouse for Criminal Justice Information Systems. Extensive source of criminal justice statistics and links.
- Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics. Voluminous. Probably from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics but not clear.
- TRAC FBI. Independent watchgroup's data on the FBI. Users must register before using (no charge).
- Uniform Crime Reports. From the FBI. Some of the reports are readable on the web; most are in PDF format and require the Adobe Acrobat Reader (downloadable from the site).
- The World's Most Wanted. "Fugitives and Unsolved Crimes." Lists rewards in case you want to supplement your income as a bounty hunter.
- Yahoo Guide to Criminal Law
- Zeno's Forensic Page. From Zeno Geradts.
Tort law
- The American Bar Association's Tort and Insurance Practice Section. Also see its online newsletter, The Brief, and its collection of links (more on insurance, however, than on tort).
- Bystander Intervention. From the Access to Justice Network.
- Civil Legal Remedies for Crime Victims. Anonymous.
- The Consumer Law Page. Especially good on products liability and toxic torts. Lots of specialized links. Searchable. From the Alexander Law Firm.
- The Federal Tort Claims Act. Under construction.
- Focal Points - Tort Law. Tort law links from the Emory School of Law.
- Health Law Section. From the American Bar Association.
- Glossary of Insurance Terms
- Health Care Liability Alliance. Hospitals and physicians for tort reform.
- Insurance News Network. From Philip Moeller.
- Medical Malpractice, Professional Liability, and Health Care. From a law firm specializing in tort defense work.
- Medical Malpractice Resource Page. From rmfish.
- Model Punitive Damages Act. Its various drafts, by date. Watch it develop.
- National Consumer Law Center. Includes advice for consumers, lawyers, and links.
- Outside the United States
- Tort Law in Australia. Clear and thorough outline of many sub-topics. Under construction.
- Tort Law in Canada. From the Access to Justice Network.
- Overview of the Tort of Negligence. Notes by David Belavy, a law student. He warns readers to use the outline with caution.
- Personal Injury. From the Nolo Legal Encyclopedia.
- Personal Injury Law. From USA Law.
- Personal Injury Law. The Alexander law firm (offices in San Jose and Cincinnati). Skip their appeals for your business and look at their law-related links.
- Personal Injury Law. An introduction to the field, with links, from Martindale-Hubbell.
- Personal Injury Law Forum. A discussion group that welcomes non-lawyer participation. From PrairieLaw.
- Products Liability. Very large collection of links, with a sections of many headliner law suits and on tort reform generally. From Joseph R. D'Addario.
- Tort reform
- American Tort Reform Association. A pro-reform advocacy group.
- Consumer Attorneys of California Forum. An anti-reform advocacy group.
- Product Liability Reform Act of 1997. The Senate version of the bill. Not yet law. Read about it while your voice still matters.
- The 1996 Bill. Passed by Congress, vetoed by President Clinton. The White House Press Release explaining the veto.
- Tort Reform: Is the System Broken? Arguments pro and con, as examined by a Columbus, Ohio, newspaper.
- Tort Reform: Participant Assumption of Inherent Risks & Product Liability. Extensive report from the standpoint of risky sports.
- Tort Reform Research Homepage. Homepage for a course at the University of Illinois School of Law. Very good links.
Torts. From the Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington. The best collection of tort links. Searchable.
- Torts, Negligence, Malpractice. News of the field from Law Journal Extra. Also see the LJX section on Products Liability.
- Trends in Tort Litigation. A chart. Another chart.
- U.S. Tort Costs in Perspective
Legal dictionaries
- American Standard Law Dictionary. Searchable. If you misspell the word you enter, you'll be shown a list of close words.
- Black's Law Dictionary. Not the whole book, but useful excerpts.
- Glossary of Legal Terms. From Martindale-Hubbell. Based on the 1996 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law.
- Glossary of Legal Terms. From Court TV Online.
- 'Lectric Law Lexicon. From the 'Lectric Law Library.
- Legal Dictionary. From the World Wide Legal Information Association.
- Shark Talk: Everybody's Law Dictionary. From Nolo Press.
Federal State Con-
stitutionsU.S. Constitution. From the Library of Congress.
U.S. Constitution. From Cornell University.
U.S. Constitution. From the Perfect Union Project.State Constitutions. From Harbornet.
Indiana Constitution. From Indiana University.Statutes U.S. Code. Searchable. From the House of Representatives.
U.S. Code. Searchable. From Cornell University.State Statutes. From Cornell Law School.
State Statutes. From "Scruffy".
Indiana Code. Searchable. From the State of Indiana.Cases U.S. Federal Courts. Searchable.
U.S. Federal Courts. From the Center for Information Law and Policy.
U.S. Federal Courts. From Emory University.
U.S. Federal Courts. From Superior Information Services.
U.S. Federal Courts. From VersusLaw. Searchable.
Supreme Court cases. Searchable. From Cornell University.
Supreme Court cases. From FindLaw.
USSC+. U.S. Supreme Court cases. From InfoSynthesis.
Oyez Oyez Oyez. Oral arguments before the Supreme Court in RealAudio. From Northwestern University.State Courts. From the National Center for State Courts.
State Court Directory. From Piper Resources.
State Court Locator. From the Center for Information Law and Policy.
Courts.Net State Courts. From Superior Information Services.
Indiana Judicial System. From the State of Indiana.
Indiana Judicial Decisions. From Indiana University.Regs Code of Federal Regulations. Searchable and browsable. From the GPO.
Federal Agencies and Commissions. From The White House.Indiana Administrative Code. From the State of Indiana. Bills Thomas. From the Library of Congress. Indiana Bills. From the State of Indiana.
- Collections of primary U.S. law
American Law Sources On-Line. From LawSource.
- CapWeb. General guide to federal law.
- CataLaw. From Dov Wisebrod.
Center for Information Law and Policy. I like the frameless version better.
FindLaw. Comprehensive, clear, searchable.
Hieros Gamos. Large, independent collection of legal links. Searchable.
Internet Legal Resource Guide. From the ILRG.
- The 'Lectric Law Library. Thorough, accessible, light-hearted.
- LeFlaw's Virtual Law Library. From Lawrence Feldman. He has a second page of federal law.
Internet Law Library. From the U.S. House of Representatives.
Legal Information Institute. From Cornell University Law School.
RefLaw. "The Virtual Law Library Reference Desk." From Washburn University School of Law. Washburn offers more at WashLaw WEB.
World Wide Web Virtual Law Library. From Indiana University School of Law, Bloomington.
- Yahoo Law Guide
- Relevant to primary U.S. law
- Directory of Electronic Public Access Services. No links. Description of kinds of internet access to federal court information, with timetables and phone numbers.
- E.politics. "Tracking Legislation and Regulation."
- The Federal Judicial Center. From the FJC.
- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. From the FMCS.
- Humanitarian Law Database. From the International Committee of the Red Cross.
- The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. Official site for drafts of uniform and model state laws.
- State and Local Governments. From Piper Resources. Searchable.
- State and Local Governments. From the National Association of State Information Resource Executives. Also sponsors StateSearch for state law and governmental information.
- U.S. Attorney General's Office. From the DOJ.
- U.S. Department of Justice. From the DOJ.
- U.S. Office of Special Counsel. From the Government Printing Office.
- U.S. Sentencing Commission. From the USSC.
- The White House. From the White House.
Secondary sources
- American Bar Association. Larger than you'd think, lots of subdivisions on different branches of law.
- Animal Rights Law Center. Rutgers University School of Law.
- CourtLink. Access to federal court documents beyond judicial opinions, e.g. dates, filings, motions, parties. Not free.
- DIANA. International Human Rights Database.
- Famous Cases. Mostly recent cases, like O.J. Simpson, Timothy McVeigh, and Ted Kaczynski. From Court TV.
- KnowX. Searchable public records, including court documents. (Not free.)
- Finding a Lawyer. Who you gonna call?
- ABA Network Lawyer Locator. From the American Bar Association and Martindale-Hubbell.
- Lawyer Referral Services. Organized by state. From the American Bar Association.
- Locate a Lawyer with From Martindale-Hubbell. Not just a lawyer referral service, but also a good introduction to law and source of legal news.
- West's Legal Directory. Search for a lawyer.
- Gender and the Law. From Vernellia R. Randall.
- Government Information Exchange. Well-organized front end to federal government information. Searchable. From the General Service Administration.
- HALT. "An Organization of Americans for Legal Reform."
- Human Rights. From ForInt Law.
- Introduction to Basic Legal Citation. From Peter Martin. Based on the Harvard Bluebook.
- Jurist Law Professors on the Web. From Bernard Hibbitts.
- LawGuru. "Legal questions, answers, and research from attorneys." From the Eslamboly & Barlavi law firm.
- Law in Popular Culture. Special collection at the Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas at Austin.
- Law Journals
- Directory of Law Reviews. From Anderson Publishing Co. A long but dead list; no links.
- Legal Journals on the Web. From the University of Southern California Law School.
- Tables of Contents. Contents pages from 750+ law reviews and other scholarly journals. Gives current tables of contents but does not store past tables of contents. Searchable. From the Tarlton Law Library at the University of Texas.
- Legal History
- Avalon Project. A major collection of historical documents on U.S. law. From Yale University.
- A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation. Documents on U.S. law from 1774-1873. From the Library of Congress.
- Documents for American Legal History. From Robert Palmer.
- Timetable of World Legal History. From the World Wide Legal Information Association.
- Western Legal Tradition Web Links. From Deirdre Golash.
- Legal News
FindLaw Legal News. News in many categories, up to date, searchable. Email update service available.
- InSITE. "A Current Awareness Service." From the library of the Cornell University School of Law. News limited to new web sites in law. Email subscription available.
- Law Journal Extra! Online version of national legal newspaper. Has a good general guide to U.S. law.
- Law Today. From Martindale-Hubbell's
- Web Journal of Current Legal Issues. British but still relevant to U.S. issues.
- Also see my page of web links for my course, Current Legal Events.
- Legal Research
- ABA Legal Research Selected Starting Points. From the ABA.
- Guide to Legal Research on the Internet. From Glenn Bacal, for the American Law Institute and the American Bar Association.
Legal Research. "On Paper and Online." From Nolo Press.
- Legal Research Guides. From the 'Lectric Law Library.
- Legal Research Using the Internet. From Lyonette Louis-Jacques. Another copy.
- Law-Related Mailing Lists. From Lyonette Louis-Jacques. Searchable from a separate page.
- Legal Databases. Links to a huge number of legal and governmental databases. From Internets.
- The Library of Congress
- Litigator's Law Library. Resources to help you be your own lawyer or to supervise your lawyer.
- National Association for Public Interest Law
- National Institute of Justice. "The Research and Development Branch of the U.S. Department of Justice."
- National Legal Center for the Public Interest
- Nolo's Legal Encyclopedia. From Nolo Press.
- Picturing Justice. Law as reflected in TV and film.
- Public Law Reading List
- Race and Racism in American Law. From Vernellia R. Randall.
- Supreme Court Justices. From Bethany Van Alstine.
- Supreme Court Justices. From Cornell University.
- WebGator. "Investigative Resources on the Web." Many of the sources are in law and government.
International law
- Constitution Finder. Find constitutions of other nations. From Robert Burger.
- Foreign and International Law Resources on the Internet. From Cornell University Law School.
- Foreign and International Law Web. From Washburn University.
- International Court of Justice. From the ICOJ.
- International Organizations. From the Union of International Associations.
- International Website Appendix. Int'l law resources on a very large number of topics. From William Slomanson.
- Public International Law. From Francis Auburn.
- Treaties and International Law. From the U.S. House of Representatives.
- United Nations. From the UN.
- The World List. "Non-U.S. Law-Related Resources." From Makoto Ibusuki.
- FedWorld. Search engines for federal government documents. From the U.S. Department of Commerce.
FindLaw. Search primary law sources and law reviews. Includes LawCrawler for searching web sites, FindLaw for statutes and cases, and the University Law Review Project for law reviews. And more.
- Govbot. "Database of government web sites." Search more than half a million government and military documents. From The Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval.
- GPO Access. Access to mountains of legal and governmental information through searchable databases. From the Government Printing Office. See the similar search service from the University of California.
- GPO Pathway Services. One search box to cover all federal government web sites. From the Government Printing Office.
- Infomine. "Scholarly Internet Resource Collections." From the University of California at Riverside. Government documents both searchable and browsable.
- Jurist Search. Searches online articles, course pages, home pages, and other law-related web pages created by academics.
- The Law Engine. Legal searching plus a large collection of legal links.
- LawGuru Legal Research Page. Over 340 legal search engines. Assembled by the law firm of Eslamboly & Barlavi.
- Law Research. Good collection of legal search engines, for cases, legislation, and more.
LawRunner. Thorough, web-wide legal searching.
Lexis. Legal searching on Earlham's account. This link only works from Earlham's on-campus network. Also see the general Lexis web page and Earlham's own page of Lexis-Nexis Searching Tips.
- Legal Minds. Searchable archives of many legal mailing lists, from FindLaw.
- LOIS Law Library. Web-based rival of Lexis and WestLaw. Not free but some free demo searches.
- Meta-Index for U.S. Legal Research. A large number of search engines.
Sleuth Legal Search Engines. A very large number of law and government search engines.
Are you considering law school?
- Law School Admissions Council. The folks who bring you the LSAT.
- Law Schools
- Law Schools. Organized by state. From All Law.
- Law School Locator. Have your LSAT score and GPA handy. From Boston College.
- Law Schools and Law School Rankings. From the Internet Legal Resource Guide.
- Law School and LSAT Goodies. Helpful links for pre-law students.
- Law Student Blues. Helpful information. Anonymous.
- Law Student Division of the American Bar Association. Relevant news in the Student Lawyer newspaper.
- Law Students Bitch and Moan Page. For a preview of what's coming. From Jesse Airaudi.
- LSAT Intelligent Solutions. Tips for the LSAT.
- Pre-Law Advice. From Rice University. Very helpful.
- Pre-Law Handbook. University of Richmond. Very helpful.
- Pre-Law Information Page. University of Texas at El Paso. Helpful.
- Pre-Law Student Services. From the Internet Legal Resource Guide. Very good set of links.
- Preparation for Legal Education. From the The Pre-Law Committee of the section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association.
- Law-Related Newsgroups. Long list but dead; no links. From Lyonette Louis-Jacques.
- The Legal Domain Network. Searching and read-only access. From the Center for Law and Computers.
- alt.activism.death-penalty. Death penalty activism.
- alt.censorship. First amendment issues.
- alt.discrimination. Equal protection.
- alt.freedom.of.information.act. FOIA.
- Law enforcement.
- alt.prisons. Prison issues.
- alt.privacy. Privacy.
- alt.society.civil-liberties. Civil liberties.
- alt.society.civil-liberty. Ditto.
- bit.listserv.govdoc-l
- bit.listserv.lawsch.internships
- bit.listserv.lawsch-l. Law school.
- bit.listserv.ada-law. Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Intellectual property.
- General.
- Laws about computing.
- General but moderated.
- misc.taxes. Tax law.
- misc.taxes.moderated. Tax law, moderated.
- The best law-related web sites according to Excite, according to Eye on the Web, according to Hot-Links, according to, according to Lunar Law Links, according to Magellan, according to NetGuide, according to Point Review, and according to WebScout.
- Cyberjury. Register to be a juror on a real case to be decided over the web. Your decision will help the lawyers decide whether to settle or take the case to a real jury.
- FindLaw's Page on Indiana Law. From FindLaw.
- Law Games. From Court TV Online.
- Nolo Press Self-Help Law Center. Books and advice to help citizens solve their own legal problems.
- Lawyer Jokes
- Canonical list of lawyer humor
- The Dumbest Things Ever Said in Court
- Lawyer Jokes. Anonymous.
- Lawyer Jokes. From Nolo Press.
- Lawyer Jokes. From Randy Scott.
- Lawyer Jokes from the Rubber Room
- Lawyer Humour
- World's Funniest Lawyer Jokes
- Weird Cases
- Guide to Wacky Court Cases. From John Schwenkler. Rare in providing full citations.
- Lex Loco: A Collection of Legal Curiosities. Full citations.
- Outrageous Lawsuits. From the World Wide Legal Information Association. Full citations.
- What You Didn't Miss on L. Rev. From Carl Frank. Full citations.
- Weird Statutes
- Stupid Laws. No citations, so assume at least half are urban legends.
For philosophy links, see my Guide to Philosophy on the Internet.
Also see my course on Philosophy of Law.
See my policy on dead links.
Return to the course home-page for Crimes & Torts.
Peter Suber,
Department of Philosophy,
Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, 47374, U.S.A. Copyright © 1998, Peter Suber.