Nineteenth Century Continental Philosophy
Course-Related LinksPeter Suber, Philosophy Department, Earlham College
- Our seven philosophers
- Hippias searches for philosophers of this period
- Other relevant links
- Return to the course home-page for Nineteenth Century Philosophy.
Our Seven Philosophers
When one of the texts we are reading this semester is online, I provide a link. But to save space I don't provide links to other etexts by these philosophers. To find these other etexts, look in the philosopher home pages to which I do link or in the etext section of my philosophy guide.
- Fichte
- A Case Study in Ad Hominem Arguments. One of my own essays.
- Fichte. From the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- North American Fichte Society
- Fichteana. A journal with full-text of past issues online.
- Hegel
- Hegel's Phenomenology in German. Preface (Vorrede). Introduction (Einleitung). Sense certainty (Die sinnliche Gewißeit).
- A Hegel page. From Shamilto.
- Another Hegel page. Brian Manning Delaney.
- Hegel by Hypertext. From Andy Blunden. Hegel's longer and shorter logics, with many related texts by his successors, including Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Ilyenkov, and Plekhanov, Mao Tse Tung, and C.L.R. James.
- Glossary of Hegelian Terms. By Andy Blunden.
- Hegel Dictionary. From Paul Ashton.
- Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. From Eric Steinhart. The most extensive of the online commentaries.
- Hegel's Phenomenology, An Online Study. Archive of a mailing list.
- Excerpt from Hegel for Beginners. From the book by Lloyd Spencer and Andrzej Krauze (from Icon Books).
- Useful Links for the Study of Hegel's Phenomenology. From Mike Marchetti.
- Summary of Hegel's Philosophy of Mind. From Paul Trejo.
- Was Hegel Christian or Atheist?. From Paul Trejo.
- Hegel Society of America
- The Owl of Minerva. Journal of the Hegel Society of America. The site contains a 25 year index of the journal.
- Hegel Preprint Exchange. For articles on Hegel. Maintained by Scott Johnson.
- Feuerbach
- Principles of the Philosophy of the Future (1843). Selections.
- Ludwig Feuerbach. From Andreas Schmidt. In German.
- Marx & Engels
- The German Ideology. Excerpts.
- Theses on Feuerbach
- Karl Marx. From Peter Krapp.
- Marx-Engels Archive. From Cyber-Marx International. Very thorough, including links to etexts.
- Marxism. From Rick Kuhn.
- Marxism. From the Spoon Collective.
- The Marxism Leninism Project. Goal is to present Marxist-Leninist theories in an accessible, authoritative form on a single web site.
- The Red Feather Dictionary of Critical Social Science. "A Teaching Dictionary of Key Words for Progressive, Radical, Critical, Marxist, Feminist, Left-Liberal as well as Postmodern Scholars and Students in Sociology, Philosophy, Economics, History, Social Psychology, Political Science and Anthropology as well as Religion and Theology." From T.R. Young.
- Kierkegaard
- Kierkegaard. From Katharena Eiermann.
- Kierkegaard. From Anders Holt.
- Kierkegaard. From Per Larsen. (Temporarily offline.)
- Kierkegaard. From D. Anthony Storm.
- Kierkegaard. From Julia Watkin.
- Kierkegaard. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Søren Kierkegaard Society of Australia
- Norwegian Søren Kierkegaard Society
- International Kierkegaard Newsletter. From the University of Tasmania.
- Nietzsche
- Beyond Good and Evil. Under construction.
- Ecce Homo. Under construction.
- The Gay Science. Selections.
- Thus Spake Zarathustra. From Alex Bokov.
- Twilight of the Idols. Under construction.
- Nietzsche. From Katharena Eiermann.
- Nietzsche. From Douglas Thomas. Searchable. One of the exemplary pages on an individual philosopher.
- Nietzsche. From Christopher Scott Wyatt.
- Online Articles on Nietzsche
- Friedrich Nietzsche Society
- North American Nietzsche Society
- Journal of Nietzsche Studies
- Resources for Teaching Nietzsche Syllabi and study guides collected by Douglas Thomas.
- Nietzsche Bibliography. By J.F. Humphrey.
- Nietzsche Quotations. From Emmett McAfee. Citations always include title, but not always page.
- Nietzsche Quotations. From Christopher Scott Wyatt. Some full citations, most incomplete.
- The Perspectives of Nietzsche. From Bill Curry. A large number of quotations, organized by topic, each with full citations. One of the best quotations pages dedicated to a single philosopher.
- Tech Support Nietzsche Style. Anonymous. (Humor.)
Hippias Searches for Philosophers of this Period
I list these philosophers in chronological order by birth year, with those we are reading in boldface. Hippias is a limited-area search engine for philosophy.
- Immanuel Kant. 1724-1804.
- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. 1729-1781.
- Moses Mendelssohn. 1729-1786.
- Georg Johann Hamann. 1730-1788.
- Thomas Jefferson. 1743-1826.
- Johann Gottfried von Herder. 1744-1803.
- Jeremy Bentham. 1748-1832.
- Solomon Maimon. 1754-1800.
- Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller. 1759-1805.
- Mary Wollstonecraft. 1759-1797.
- Johann Gottlieb Fichte. 1762-1814.
- Anne Louise Germaine Necker, Baronne de Staël-Holstein. 1766-1817.
- Wilhelm von Humboldt. 1767-1835.
- Friedrich Ernst Daniel Schleiermacher. 1768-1834.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. 1770-1831.
- Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling. 1775-1854.
- Johann Friedrich Herbart. 1776-1841.
- Bernard Bolzano. 1781-1848.
- Karl C.F. Krause. 1781-1832.
- Arthur Schopenhauer. 1788-1860.
- Auguste Comte. 1798-1857.
- Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach. 1804-1872.
- John Stuart Mill. 1806-1873.
- Charles Darwin. 1809-1882.
- Søren Aabye Kierkegaard. 1813-1855.
- Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin. 1814-1876.
- Karl Marx. 1818-1883.
- Frederick Engels. 1820-1895.
- Herbert Spencer. 1820-1903.
- Fyodor Dostoevsky. 1821-1881.
- Wilhelm Dilthey. 1833-1911.
- Thomas Hill Green. 1836-1882.
- Franz Brentano. 1838-1907.
- Ernst Mach. 1838-1916.
- Charles Sanders Peirce. 1839-1914.
- William James. 1842-1910.
- Peter Kropotkin. 1842-1921.
- Friedrich Nietzsche. 1844-1900.
- Georg F.L.P. Cantor. 1845-1918.
- Francis Herbert Bradley. 1846-1924.
- Bernard Bosanquet. 1848-1923.
- Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege. 1848-1925.
- Hans Vaihinger. 1852-1933.
- Josiah Royce. 1855-1916.
- Sigmund Freud. 1856-1939.
- Henri Bergson. 1859-1941.
- John Dewey. 1859-1952.
- Edmund Husserl. 1859-1938.
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman. 1860-1936.
- Lou Andreas Salomé. 1861-1937.
- Alfred North Whitehead. 1861-1947.
- George Santayana. 1863-1952.
- John McTaggart Ellis McTaggart. 1866-1925.
- Emma Goldman. 1869-1940.
- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. 1870-1924.
- Rosa Luxemburg. 1870-1919.
- Bertrand Arthur William Russell. 1872-1970.
- George Edward Moore. 1873-1958.
- Ernst Cassirer. 1874-1945.
- Max Scheler. 1874-1928.
- Carl Gustav Jung. 1875-1961.
- Martin Buber. 1878-1965.
- Albert Einstein. 1879-1955.
- Karl Jaspers. 1883-1969.
- José Ortega y Gasset. 1883-1955.
- Martin Heidegger. 1889-1976.
- Ludwig Wittgenstein. 1889-1951.
Other Relevant Links
- 19th Century Scientific American Online
- British Religion and Philosophy in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: A Chronology. From Glenn Everett and George Landow. Part of The Victorian Web.
- Existentialism. From Katharena Eiermann. Very thorough.
- Existentialism and Beyond. From Christopher Scott Wyatt. Also very thorough.
- German Idealism. From the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Kant und der deutsche Idealismus. Subpages on Fichte and Hegel (among others). Anonymous.
- The Kassandra Project: Visionary German Women Around 1800. Anonymous.
- Mind and Brain in the 19th Century. By Robert H. Wozniak. Part of a larger site on mind and body from Descartes to William James.
- A Nineteenth Century British Timeline. From Robert Brinlee. Emphasizing British literature.
- Nineteenth-Century Literature. An electronic journal.
- Nineteenth Century Philosophy Home Page. Created by G.J. Mattey for a course at University of California at Davis. Still under construction.
- Nineteenth-Century Philosophy in the United States. From Hanover College.
- Romantic Chronology. From Laura Mandell and Alan Liu.
- Romantic Circles. From Neil Fraistat and others. English romantic poets.
- Romantic Links. From Michael Gamer.
- Romanticism on the Net. An electronic journal.
- Romanticism Resources on the Web. From Tom Goldpaugh.
- The Victorian Web. From George Landow and others. You might want to jump to the philosophy overview.
For other philosophy links, see my Guide to Philosophy on the Internet.
See my policy on dead links.
Return to the course home-page for Nineteenth Century Philosophy.
Peter Suber,
Department of Philosophy,
Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, 47374, U.S.A. Copyright © 1998, Peter Suber.