Table 1. The Possibility of Federalist Minority Amendment:
Decade by Decade
1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 The following table contains population data from each census from the first in 1790 to the most recent in l980. For each census year, I have listed the states in descending order by population size and shortened the names of the states to the current two-letter postal abbreviations. The population for each state is rounded off to the nearest thousand. When two or more states had the same rounded population in the same year, I have listed them in alphabetical order by their full names.
For each census year I have included only those states that were eligible to vote on constitutional amendments as of the beginning of that census year, although the census bureau often collected population figures for territories and dependencies ineligible to vote. This arrengement should help to highlight the crucial threshold of three-fourths of the states needed to amend; the list shown for each decade contains the total number of states from which the three-fourths would be calculated. The list does not include the District of Columbia because it has never been eligible to ratify amendments. A state becomes eligible to vote on amendments as soon as it is formally admitted to the Union; the number of states needed for ratification is increased if necessary at the same time.
At the top of each list, before the list of states begins, I have indicated how many states were then eligible to ratify amendments, and the number of states needed to meet the three-fourths requirement.
At the bottom of each list I have indicated the "total" population for that census year. This total is merely the sum of the state figures listed above it; it does not include the citizens of the District of Columbia, the citizens of the territories, or the Americans residing abroad. Curiously, although more complete totals are available for each census year, no totals are available that are published for each census year and calculated on the same basis for each census year.
The letter "M" stands for the "most" populous three-fourths of the states, and "L" for the "least" populous three-fourths of the states. The states comprising M and L are indicated by signs to the left of the respective threshold states in the lists themselves. I have calculated and noted the populations represented by M and L at the bottom of each list, along with the percentages that M and L represent of the "total" population. Note that if uniform, complete totals were available, M and L would comprise even smaller percentages of the national population than are shown here. Hence, when my data show L as less than 50% of the national population, better data would only show it even smaller. We cannot determine whether the four times that L exceeds 50% would actually dip below 50% with better data.
At the bottom of each list I have also indicated which of the twenty-six adopted, and six defeated, amendments were proposed and ratified in the decade beginning with that census. The "six defeated" amendments are those that were proposed by Congress with the requisite two-thirds votes of each house, but did not muster the requisite ratifying votes from three-fourths of the states. Of course, there have been thousands of proposals defeated at the congressional stage. I have given the dates of proposal and ratification for each adopted amendment, and the dates of proposal for the six defeated amendments. The date of proposal is the date the amendment was approved by Congress and sent to the states. The date of ratification is the day the Secretary of State or Administrator of General Services proclaimed the validity of the amendment. The defeated amendments, of course, have determinate dates of proposal, but they do not always have determinate dates of defeat. Only recently, since the eighteenth amendment, have we put a deadline for ratification into the texts of proposed amendments themselves. If the amendment contains no deadline, the rule seems to be that ratifications may continue for a "reasonable" time, when Congress is the judge of that reasonableness. Dillon v. Gloss, 256 U.S. 368 (1921).
At the bottom of each list I have also indicated which states were admitted to the Union in the decade beginning that year. By including these sub-lists on amendments and state admissions, I hope the reader will be able, without cross-checking from other tables, to determine which year's census data are most appropriate for calculating majority or minority support for a given amendment. Table 2 summarizes the data as they pertain to this question.
A summary of the data precedes the table. More complete summaries apear in the main text.
I have taken or derived all data data from census years prior to 1980 from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970, Volume I, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. Data from the 1980 census are taken or derived from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census, Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1981, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981. Finally, I have taken dates of the proposals and ratifications of amendments from the United States Constitution (proposals and ratifications) United States Code (1982).
Summary of Table 1 The least populous three-fourths of the states (called "L" in this Table) comprised less than half of the total national population in sixteen of the twenty census years. The four exceptions were 1790, 1800, 1810, and 1840. With a few dips and rises, the value of L (as a percentage) decreases steadily with time. The potential for a minority to amend the constitution by mustering the consent of three-fourths of the states first appeared in 1820, and has not disappeared since 1850.
1790 L = 56.74 % 1890 L = 48.08 % 1800 L = 50.86 % 1900 L = 43.68 % 1810 L = 52.29 % 1910 L = 46.95 % 1820 L = 49.60 % 1920 L = 43.88 % 1830 L = 46.84 % 1930 L = 41.80 % 1840 L = 50.19 % 1940 L = 41.97 % 1850 L = 49.26 % 1950 L = 41.21 % 1860 L = 48.40 % 1960 L = 40.43 % 1870 L = 46.09 % 1970 L = 39.87 % 1880 L = 49.64 % 1980 L = 41.12 % The least populous 25 % + 1 of the states represents the smallest percentage of the national population that can veto an amendment. This can be calculated by subtracting from the national total the population of the most populous three-fourths of the states (called "M" in this Table) from the national total and then adding the population of the next most populous state; the ratio of the resulting number to the total national population at the time is the desired figure.
For purposes of this summary I have called the smallest percentage of the population that can veto an amendment "V". Note that V, as calculated by the algorithm above, will occasionally give a higher figure than the actual mimimum population sufficient to veto. When the total number of states in the Union is not evenly divisible by four, then the "three-fourths" of the states needed to amend will be the least number of states exceeding three-fourths. The number of states need to ratify will be rounded up rather than rounded down. When that happens, the complementary "one-fourth" of the states, rounded up, will suffice to veto, without the addition of another state. Hence, the figures below represent 25 % + 1 of the states, even though a mere 25 % has often sufficed to veto. Even though V as calculated may look low, one should realize that proper accounting for this round-off error would show it even lower for many census year.
1790 V = 13.32 % 1890 V = 4.88 % 1800 V = 11.03 % 1900 V = 4.58 % 1810 V = 12.ll % 1910 V = 5.11 % 1820 V = 6.17 % 1920 V = 5.04 % 1830 V = 8.70 % 1930 V = 4.74 % 1840 V = 8.29 % 1940 V = 4.69 % 1850 V = 6.89 % 1950 V = 4.69 % 1860 V = 6.87 % 1960 V = 4.09 % 1870 V = 5.87 % 1970 V = 4.07 % 1880 V = 5.79 % 1980 V = 4.34 %
1780 In 1780, there was no census and no constitution. Before the decade of the l780's was over, however, the constitutional convention was called on February 21, 1787, and it convened on May 25, 1787. Congress formally proposed the constitution written by the convention on September 28, 1787. Under article VII of the new Constitution, it was to be "established" when nine states had ratified it, which occurred with the vote of New Hampshire on June 21, 1788. The vote was eventually made unanimous, which, not incidentally was the requirement of the Articles of Confederation for its own amendment. The first 10 adopted amendments, the Bill of Rights, were proposed on September 25, l789. The original proposed Bill of Rights contained 12 amendments, but two were defeated by the states. One concerned the apprortionment of representatives, and the other wold have prevented Congressional salary increases from taking effect until after the next election of representatives.
Before the 1790 census, all thirteen of the original colonies, except Rhode Island, had become states of the United States of America. In their order of admission they were: Delaware (DE), 1st, December 7, 1787; Pennsylvania (PA), 2d, December 12, 1787; New Jersey (NJ), 3d, December 18, 1787; Georgia (GA), 4th, January 2, 1788; Connecticut (CT), 5th, January 9, 1788; Massachusetts (MA), 6th, February 6, 1788; Maryland (MD), 7th, April 28, 1788; South Carolina (SC), 8th, May 23, 1788; New Hampshire (NH), 9th, June 21, 1788; Virgina (VA), 10th, June 26, 1788; New York (NY), 11th, July 26, 1788; and North Carolina (NC), 12th, November 21, 1789.
1790 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 12 states; 3/4 = 9
- VA 692
- PA 434
- NC 394
- MA 379 this and following = L
- NY 340
- MD 320
- SC 249
- CT 238
- NJ 184 this and preceding = M
- NH 142
- GA 83
- DE 59
Total = 3,514
M = 3,230 = 91.91 %
L = l,994 = 56.74 %
Ratification of the constitution became unanimous when Rhode Island voted to ratify on May 29, 1790. The Bill of Rights was ratified on December 15, l791, when the eleventh (Virginia) of the then fourteen states voted to ratify. The eleventh amendment was proposed on March 4, 1794, and ratified on January 8, 1798.
The following states were admitted during this decade: Rhode Island (RI), 13th, May 29, 1790; Vermont (VT), 14th, March 4, 1791; Kentucky (KY), 15th, June 1, 1792; and Tennessee (TN), 16th, June 1, 1796.
1800 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 16 states; 3/4 = l2
- VA 808
- PA 602
- NY 589
- NC 478
- MA 423 this and following = L
- SC 346
- MD 342
- CT 251
- KY 221
- NJ 211
- NH 184
- GA 163 this and preceding = M
- VT 154
- TN 106
- RI 69
- DE 64
Total = 5,041
M = 4,648 = 92.20 %
L = 2,564 = 50.86 %
The Twelfth Amendment was proposed on December 9, l803, and ratified on September 25, 1804.
Ohio (OH) became the 17th state on March 1, 1803.
1810 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 17 states; 3/4 = 13
- NY 959
- VA 878
- PA 810
- NC 556
- MA 472 this and following = L
- SC 415
- KY 407
- MD 381
- CT 262
- TN 262
- GA 252
- NJ 246
- OH 231 this and preceding = M
- VT 218
- NH 214
- RI 77
- DE 73
Total = 6,713
M = 6,131 = 91.33 %
L = 3,510 = 52.29 %
The third amendment to be passed by Congress and defeated by the states (after the two in the original Bill of Rights) was proposed by the 11th Congress, 2d Session, between March of 1810 and March of 1811. It would have stripped persons of U.S. citizenship for accepting any title, present, or office from a foreign power without the consent of Congress.
The following states were admitted during this decade: Louisiana (LA), 18th, April 30, 1812; Indiana (IN), 19th, December 11, 1816; Mississippi (MS), 20th, December 10, 1817; Illinois (IL), 21st, December 3, 1818; and Alabama (AL), 22d, December 14, 1819.
1820 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 22 states; 3/4 = 17
- NY 1,373
- PA 1,049
- VA 938
- NC 639
- OH 581
- KY 564 this and following = L
- MA 523
- SC 503
- TN 423
- MD 407
- GA 341
- NJ 278
- CT 275
- NH 244
- VT 236
- LA 153
- IN 147 this and preceding = M
- AL 128
- RI 83
- MS 75
- DE 73
- IL 55
Total = 9,088
M = 8,674 = 95.44 %
L = 4,508 = 49.60 %
The following states were admitted this decade: Maine (ME), 23d, March 15, 1820; and Missouri (MO), 24th, August 10, 1821.
1830 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 24 states; 3/4 = 18
- NY 1,919
- PA 1,348
- VA 1,044
- OH 938
- NC 738
- KY 688
- TN 682 this and following = L
- MA 610
- SC 581
- GA 517
- MD 447
- ME 399
- IN 343
- NJ 321
- AL 310
- CT 298
- VT 281
- NH 269 this and preceding = M
- LA 216
- IL 157
- MO 140
- MS 137
- RI 97
- DE 77
Total = 12,557
M = 11,733 = 93.44 %
L = 5,882 = 46.84 %
The following states were admitted this decade: Arkansas (AR), 25th, June 15, 1836; and Michigan (MI), 26th, January 26, 1837.
1840 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 26 states; 3/4 = 20
- NY 2,429
- PA 1,724
- OH 1,519
- VA 1,025
- TN 829
- KY 780
- NC 753 this and following = L
- MA 738
- GA 691
- IN 686
- SC 594
- AL 591
- ME 502
- IL 476
- MD 470
- MO 384
- MS 376
- NJ 373
- LA 352
- CT 310 this and preceding = M
- VT 292
- NH 285
- MI 212
- RI 109
- AR 98
- DE 78
Total = 16,676
M = 15,602 = 93.56 %
L = 8,370 = 50.19 %
The following states were admitted this decade: Florida (FL), 27th, March 3, 1845; Texas (TX), 28th, December 29, 1845; Iowa (IA), 29th, December 28, 1846; and Wisconsin (WI), 30th, May 29, 1848.
1850 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 30 states; 3/4 = 23
- NY 3,097
- PA 2,312
- OH 1,980
- VA 1,119
- TN 1,003
- MA 995
- IN 988
- KY 982 this and following = L
- GA 906
- NC 869
- IL 851
- AL 772
- MO 682
- SC 669
- MS 607
- ME 583
- MD 583
- LA 518
- NJ 490
- MI 398
- CT 371
- NH 318
- VT 314 this and preceding = M
- WI 305
- TX 213
- AR 210
- IA 192
- RI 148
- DE 92
- FL 87
Total = 22,654
M = 21,407 = 94.50 %
L = 11,160 = 49.26 %
The following states were admitted this decade: California (CA), 31st, September 9, 1850; Minnesota (MN), 32d, May 11, 1858; and Oregon (OR), 33d, February 14, 1859.
1860 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 33 states; 3/4 = 25
- NY 3,881
- PA 2,906
- OH 2,340
- IL 1,712
- IN 1,350
- MA 1,231
- VA 1,220
- MO 1,182
- KY 1,156 this and following = L
- TN 1,110
- GA 1,057
- NC 993
- AL 964
- MS 791
- WI 776
- MI 749
- LA 708
- SC 704
- MD 687
- IA 675
- NJ 672
- ME 628
- TX 604
- CT 460
- AR 435 this and preceding = M
- CA 380
- NH 326
- VT 315
- RI 175
- MN 172
- FL 140
- DE 112
- OR 52
Total = 30,663
M = 28,991 = 94.55 %
L = 14,841 = 48.40 %
The Thirteenth Amendment was proposed on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 18, 1865. The Fourteenth Amendment was proposed on June 13, 1866, and ratified on July 28, 1868. The Fifteenth Amendment was proposed on February 26, 1869. The fourth amendment to be passed by Congress and defeated by the states was proposed on March 2, 186l. It was the so-called Corwin amendment and would have barred future amendments authorizing Congress to interfere with the domestic insitutions of the states, including slavery.
The following states were admitted this decade: Kansas (KN), 34th, January 29, 1861; West Virginia (WV), 35th, June 20, 1863; Nevada (NV), 36th, October 31, 1864; and Nebraska (NB), 37th, March 1, 1867.
1870 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 37 states; 3/4 = 28
- NY 4,383
- PA 3,522
- OH 2,665
- IL 2,540
- MO 1,721
- IN 1,681
- MA 1,457
- KY 1,321
- TN 1,259
- VA 1,225 this and following = L
- IA 1,194
- GA 1,184
- MI 1,184
- NC 1,071
- WI 1,055
- AL 997
- NJ 906
- MS 828
- TX 819
- MD 781
- LA 727
- SC 706
- ME 627
- CA 560
- CT 537
- AR 484
- WV 442
- MN 440 this and preceding = M
- KN 364
- VT 331
- NH 318
- RI 217
- FL 188
- DE 125
- NB 123
- OR 91
- NV 42
Total = 38,115
M = 36,316 = 95.28 %
L = 17,566 = 46.09 %
The Fifteenth Amendment was ratified on March 30, 1870.
Colorado (CO) became the 38th state on August 1, 1876.
1880 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 38 states; 3/4 = 29
- NY 5,083
- PA 4,283
- OH 3,198
- IL 3,078
- MO 2,168
- IN 1,978
- MA 1,783
- KY 1,649
- MI 1,637
- IA 1,625 this and following = L
- TX 1,592
- GA 1,542
- TN 1,542
- VA 1,513
- NC 1,400
- WI 1,315
- AL 1,263
- MS 1,132
- NJ 1,131
- KN 996
- SC 996
- LA 940
- MD 935
- CA 865
- AR 803
- MN 781
- ME 649
- CT 623
- WV 618 this and preceding = M
- NB 452
- NH 347
- VT 332
- RI 277
- FL 269
- CO 194
- OR 175
- DE 147
- NV 62
Total = 49,363
M = 47,118 = 95.45 %
L = 24,506 = 49.64 %
The following states were admitted this decade: North Dakota (ND), 39th, November 2, 1889; South Dakota (SD), 40th, November 2, 1889; Montana (MT), 41st, November 8, 1889; and Washington (WA), 42d, November 11, 1889.
1890 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 42 states; 3/4 = 32
- NY 6,003
- PA 5,258
- IL 3,826
- OH 3,672
- MO 2,679
- MA 2,239
- TX 2,236
- IN 2,192
- MI 2,094
- IA 1,912
- KY 1,859 this and following = L
- GA 1,837
- TN 1,768
- WI 1,693
- VA 1,656
- NC 1,618
- AL 1,513
- NJ 1,445
- KN 1,428
- MN 1,310
- MS 1,290
- CA 1,213
- SC 1,151
- AR 1,128
- LA 1,119
- NB 1,063
- MD 1,042
- WV 763
- CT 746
- ME 661
- CO 413
- FL 391 this and preceding = M
- NH 377
- WA 357
- SD 349
- RI 346
- VT 332
- OR 318
- ND 191
- DE 168
- MT 143
- NV 47
Total = 61,844
M = 59,216 = 95.75 %
L = 29,735 = 48.08 %
The following states were admitted this decade: Idaho (ID), 43d, July 3, 1890; Wyoming (WY), 44th, July 10, 1890; and Utah (UT), 45th, January 4, 1896.
1900 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 45 states; 3/4 = 34
- NY 7,269
- PA 6,302
- IL 4,822
- OH 4,158
- MO 3,107
- TX 3,049
- MA 2,805
- IN 2,516
- MI 2,421
- IA 2,232
- GA 2,216
- KY 2,147 this and following = L
- WI 2,069
- TN 2,021
- NC 1,894
- NJ 1,884
- VA 1,854
- AL 1,829
- MN 1,751
- MS 1,551
- CA 1,485
- KN 1,470
- LA 1,382
- SC 1,340
- AR 1,312
- MD 1,188
- NB 1,066
- WV 959
- CT 908
- ME 694
- CO 540
- FL 529
- WA 518
- RI 429 this and preceding = M
- OR 414
- NH 412
- SD 402
- VT 344
- ND 319
- UT 277
- MT 243
- DE 185
- ID 162
- WY 93
- NV 42
Total = 72,610
M = 69,717 = 96.02 %
L = 31,713 = 43.68 %
The Sixteenth Amendment was proposed on July 12, 1909.
Oklahoma (OK) became the 46th state on November 16, 1907.
1910 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 46 states; 3/4 = 35
- NY 9,114
- PA 7,665
- IL 5,639
- OH 4,767
- TX 3,897
- MA 3,366
- MO 3,293
- MI 2,810
- IN 2,701
- WI 2,634
- GA 2,609
- NJ 2,537 this and following = L
- CA 2,378
- KY 2,290
- IA 2,225
- NC 2,206
- TN 2,185
- AL 2,138
- MN 2,076
- VA 2,062
- MS 1,797
- KN 1,691
- OK 1,657
- LA 1,656
- AR 1,574
- SC 1,515
- MD 1,295
- WV 1,221
- NB 1,192
- WA 1,142
- CT 1,115
- CO 799
- FL 753
- ME 742
- OR 673 this and preceding = M
- SD 584
- ND 577
- RI 543
- NH 431
- MT 376
- UT 373
- VT 356
- ID 326
- DE 202
- WY 146
- NV 82
Total = 91,410
M = 87,414 = 95.63 %
L = 42,915 = 46.95 %
The Sixteenth Amendment was ratified on February 25, 1913. The Seventeenth Amendment was proposed on May 13, 1912, and ratified on May 31, 1913. The Eighteenth Amendment was proposed on December 18, 1917, and ratified on January 29, 1919. The Nineteenth Amendment was proposed on June 4, 1919.
The following states were admitted this decade: New Mexico (NM), 47th, January 6, 1912; and Arizona (AZ), 48th, February 14, 1912.
1920 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 48 states; 3/4 = 36
- NY 10,385
- PA 8,720
- IL 6,485
- OH 5,759
- TX 4,663
- MA 3,852
- MI 3,668
- CA 3,427
- MO 3,404
- NJ 3,156
- IN 2,930
- WI 2,632
- GA 2,896 this and following = L
- NC 2,559
- KY 2,417
- IA 2,404
- MN 2,387
- AL 2,348
- TN 2,338
- VA 2,309
- OK 2,028
- LA 1,799
- MS 1,791
- KN 1,769
- AR 1,752
- SC 1,684
- WV 1,464
- MD 1,450
- CT 1,381
- WA 1,357
- NB 1,296
- FL 968
- CO 940
- OR 783
- ME 768
- ND 647 this and preceding = M
- SD 637
- RI 604
- MT 549
- UT 449
- NH 443
- ID 432
- NM 360
- VT 352
- AZ 334
- DE 223
- WY 194
- NV 77
Total = 105,270
M = 100,616 = 95.58 %
L = 46,189 = 43.88 %
The Nineteenth Amendment was ratified on August 26, 1920. The fifth amendment to be passed by Congress and defeated by the states was proposed in June of 1924. It was the so-called Child Labor Amendment and would have given Congress the jurisdiction to regulate the labor of those under 18 years of age.
1930 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 48 states; 3/4 = 36
- NY 12,588
- PA 9,631
- IL 7,631
- OH 6,647
- TX 5,825
- CA 5,677
- MI 4,842
- MA 4,250
- NJ 4,041
- MO 3,629
- IN 3,239
- NC 3,170
- WI 2,939 this and following = L
- GA 2,909
- AL 2,646
- TN 2,617
- KY 2,615
- MN 2,564
- IA 2,471
- VA 2,422
- OK 2,396
- LA 2,102
- MS 2,010
- KN 1,881
- AR 1,854
- SC 1,739
- WV 1,729
- MD 1,632
- CT 1,607
- WA 1,563
- FL 1,468
- NB 1,378
- CO 1,036
- OR 954
- ME 797
- SD 693 this and preceding = M
- RI 687
- ND 681
- MT 538
- UT 508
- NH 465
- ID 445
- AZ 436
- NM 423
- VT 360
- DE 238
- WY 226
- NV 91
Total = 122,290
M = 117,192 = 95.83 %
L = 51,120 = 41.80 %
The Twentieth Amendment was proposed on March 2, 1932, and ratified on February 6, 1933. The Twenty-First Amendment was proposed on February 20, 1933, and ratified on December 5, 1933.
1940 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 48 states; 3/4 = 36
- NY 13,479
- PA 9,900
- IL 7,897
- OH 6,908
- CA 6,907
- TX 6,415
- MI 5,256
- MA 4,317
- NJ 4,160
- MO 3,785
- NC 3,572
- IN 3,428
- WI 3,138 this and following = L
- GA 3,124
- TN 2,916
- KY 2,846
- AL 2,833
- MN 2,792
- VA 2,678
- IA 2,538
- LA 2,364
- OK 2,336
- MS 2,184
- AR 1,949
- WV 1,902
- SC 1,900
- FL 1,897
- MD 1,821
- KN 1,801
- WA 1,736
- CT 1,709
- NB 1,316
- CO 1,123
- OR 1,090
- ME 847
- RI 713 this and preceding = M
- SD 643
- ND 642
- MT 559
- UT 550
- NM 532
- ID 525
- AZ 499
- NH 492
- VT 359
- DE 267
- WY 251
- NV 110
Total = 131,006
M = 125,577 = 95.86 %
L = 54,982 = 41.97 %
The Twenty-Second Amendment was proposed on March 21, 1947.
1950 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 48 states; 3/4 = 36
- NY 14,830
- CA 10,586
- PA 10,498
- IL 8,712
- OH 7,947
- TX 7,711
- MI 6,372
- NJ 4,835
- MA 4,691
- NC 4,062
- MO 3,955
- IN 3,934
- GA 3,445 this and following = L
- WI 3,435
- VA 3,319
- TN 3,292
- AL 3,062
- MN 2,982
- KY 2,945
- FL 2,771
- LA 2,684
- IA 2,621
- WA 2,379
- MD 2,343
- OK 2,233
- MS 2,179
- SC 2,117
- CT 2,007
- WV 2,006
- AR 1,910
- KN 1,905
- OR 1,521
- NB 1,326
- CO 1,325
- ME 914
- RI 792 this and preceding = M
- AZ 750
- UT 689
- NM 681
- SD 653
- ND 620
- MT 591
- ID 589
- NH 533
- VT 378
- DE 318
- WY 291
- NV 160
Total = 149,899
M = 143,646 = 95.83 %
L = 61,766 = 41.21 %
The Twenty-Second Amendment was ratified on March 1, l951.
The following states were admitted this decade: Alaska (AK), 49th, January 3, 1959; and Hawaii (HA), 50th, August 21, 1959.
1960 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 50 states; 3/4 = 38
- NY 16,782
- CA 15,717
- PA 11,319
- IL 10,081
- OH 9,706
- TX 9,580
- MI 7,823
- NJ 6,067
- MA 5,149
- FL 4,952
- IN 4,662
- NC 4,556
- MO 4,320 this and following = L
- VA 3,967
- WI 3,952
- GA 3,943
- TN 3,567
- MN 3,414
- AL 3,267
- LA 3,257
- MD 3,101
- KY 3,038
- WA 2,853
- IA 2,758
- CT 2,535
- SC 2,383
- OK 2,382
- KN 2,179
- MS 2,178
- WV 1,860
- AR 1,786
- OR 1,769
- CO 1,754
- NB 1,411
- AZ 1,302
- ME 969
- NM 951
- UT 891 this and preceding = M
- RI 859
- SD 681
- MT 675
- ID 667
- HA 633
- ND 632
- NH 607
- DE 446
- VT 390
- WY 330
- NV 285
- AK 226
Total = 178,612
M = 172,181 = 96.39 %
L = 72,218 = 40.43 %
The Twenty-Third Amendment was proposed on June 17, l960, and ratified on April 3, l961. The Twenty-Fourth Amendment was proposed on August 27, 1962, and ratified on February 4, 1964. The Twenty-Fifth Amendment was proposed on July 6, 1965, and ratified on February 23, 1967.
1970 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 50 states; 3/4 = 38
- CA 19,953
- NY 18,237
- PA 11,794
- TX 11,197
- IL 11,114
- OH 10,652
- MI 8,875
- NJ 7,168
- FL 6,789
- MA 5,689
- IN 5,194
- NC 5,082
- MO 4,677 this and following = L
- VA 4,648
- GA 4,590
- WI 4,418
- TN 3,924
- MD 3,922
- MN 3,805
- LA 3,641
- AL 3,444
- WA 3,409
- KY 3,219
- CT 3,032
- IA 2,824
- SC 2,591
- OK 2,559
- KN 2,247
- MS 2,217
- CO 2,207
- OR 2,091
- AR 1,923
- AZ 1,771
- WV 1,744
- NB 1,483
- UT 1,059
- NM 1,016
- ME 992 this and preceding = M
- RI 947
- HA 769
- NH 738
- ID 713
- MT 694
- SD 666
- ND 618
- DE 548
- NV 489
- VT 444
- WY 332
- AK 300
Total = 202,455
M = 195,197 = 96.42 %
L = 80,711 = 39.87 %
The Twenty-Sixth Amendment was proposed on March 23, 1971, and ratified on July 5, 1971. The sixth amendment to be passed by Congress and defeated by the states was proposed on March 22, 1972. It was the Equal Rights Amendment and would have prohibited discrimination by the state and federal governments on account of sex.
1980 Census
These are the states in declining order by population at the time of this census. Population figures are in thousands. "M" is the most populous 3/4 of the states. "L" is the least populous 3/4 of the states. It takes 3/4 of the states to amend the constitution. 50 states; 3/4 = 38
- CA 23,669
- NY 17,557
- TX 14,228
- PA 11,867
- IL 11,419
- OH 10,797
- FL 9,739
- MI 9,259
- NJ 7,364
- NC 5,874
- MA 5,737
- IN 5,491
- GA 5,464 this and following = L
- VA 5,346
- MO 4,917
- WI 4,706
- TN 4,591
- MD 4,216
- LA 4,203
- WA 4,130
- MN 4,077
- AL 3,891
- KY 3,661
- SC 3,119
- CT 3,107
- OK 3,026
- IA 2,914
- CO 2,890
- AZ 2,718
- OR 2,632
- MS 2,520
- KN 2,363
- AR 2,285
- WV 1,950
- NB 1,570
- UT 1,461
- NM 1,299
- ME 1,125 this and preceding = M
- HA 965
- RI 948
- ID 945
- NH 921
- NV 799
- MT 787
- SD 690
- ND 654
- DE 596
- VT 512
- WY 471
- AK 400
Total = 225,870
M = 217,182 = 96.15 %
L = 92,869 = 41.12 %
The following are new to the HTML edition, July 1999.
- The most populous 37 states = 216,057 = 95.65%
- This is the largest coalition unable to amend (unlike M, which can amend, and unlike L, which is the smallest).
- The most populous 12 states = 133,001 = 58.55%
- This is the largest coalition unable to veto (unlike V, which can veto).
Return to the article of which this is an appendix. Or go to Table 2, Table 3, or Table 4 of the appendix.
Peter Suber,
Department of Philosophy,
Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, 47374, U.S.A. Copyright © 1987, Peter Suber.