Knot Tying Notation
Peter Suber

Version 0.9
Last revised July 28, 2004


What it is and who should care

Adequacy v. manageability

What's coming



Directions, lines, and planes





User extensions

Verbless notation


List of special symbols

Sample annotated formulas

Overhand knot (with words)
*1 Hold(StandingPart, LeftHand), Hold(RunningPart, RightHand) Start with the standing part in the left hand and the running part in the right hand.
*2 MakeLoop(RunningPart)=LP.1, CrossOver(RunningPart, StandingPart), Plane(LP.1:HorizontalPlane) Make a loop in the running part, name it loop #1. The running part crosses over the standing part. Loop #1 lies in the horizontal plane.
*3 Reeve(End.RunningPart, LP.1:Down-Up) Reeve the end of the running part through loop #1 from down to up.
*4 Move(StandingPart^:Left, RunningPart^:Right) Pull the standing part to the left and the running part to the right.
  • Here I've spelled out each noun, verb, and descriptor to show how clear the notation can be. Normally, however, we use abbreviations instead of full words. To see what the same formula looks like with abbreviations, see the next example below.
  • These instructions make a / loop. To make a \ loop instead, change CO(RP, SP) in the second stage to CO(SP, RP). (For a refresher on the difference, see these details.)
  • Clearly the loop doesn't have to lie in the horizontal plane (stage 2). If you instructed the tyer to put it in the vertical plane in stage 2, PN(LP.1:VP), then in stage 3 the end of the running part would have to reeve through it from fore to aft, rather than down to up, RV(E.RP, LP.1:F-A).
  • I've put one stage per line for clarity, but this is not at all required. You could use more lines (one per sentence, not just one per stage), or fewer (the whole formula on one line). This is entirely a matter of style in presenting the formula.
  • I've numbered these stages, but that too is not required.

Overhand knot (with abbreviations)
*1 GP(SP, LH), GP(RP, RH) Start by gripping the standing part in the left hand and the running part in the right hand.
*2 ML(RP)=LP.1, CO(RP, SP), PN(LP.1:HP) Make a loop in the running part, name it loop #1. The running part crosses over the standing part. Loop #1 lies in the horizontal plane.
*3 RV(E.RP, LP.1:D-U) Reeve the end of the running part through loop #1 from down to up.
*4 MV(SP^:L, RP^:R) Pull the standing part to the left and the running part to the right.
  • For the same formula with words instead of abbreviations, see the previous example, above.
  • Even this version with abbreviations is longer than necessary, in order to separate the stages. Here's a perfectly valid compression of the same formula:

    *1 GP(SP, LH), GP(RP, RH), *2 ML(RP)=LP.1, CO(RP, SP), PN(LP.1:HP), *3 RV(E.RP, LP.1.D-U), *4 MV(SP^:L, RP^:R)

Overhand on a bight
* GP(SP, LH), GP(RP, RH) Start with the standing part in the left hand and the running part in the right hand
* MB(RP)=BT.1 Make a bight in the running part, name it bight #1.
* ML(BT.1)=LP.1, CO(RP.BT.1, SP.BT.1), PN(LP.1:HP) Make a loop in bight #1, name it loop #1. The running part of bight #1 crosses over its standing part. Loop #1 lies in the horizontal plane.
* RV(BT.1, LP.1:D-U) Reeve bight #1 through loop #1 from down to up.
* MV(SP.BT.1^:L, E.BT.1^:R) Pull the standing part of bight #1 to the left, and the end of bight #1 to the right.

Zeppelin bend
* Make a / overhand knot in cord #1 (=LP.1). PN(LP.1:VP), PT(LP.1:U), TT(t) We can regard the sentence, "Make a / overhand" as a user extension (because I've already provided the code, in the first sample above), or simply as an English sentence allowing me to jump ahead to the parts I'm interested in notating. Call the overhand knot LP.1. Leave it loose. It's in the vertical plane, pointing up.
* PT(LP.1:U-L-A-R), PN(LP.1:VP), NM(LE.D=LE.1) The loop has been pointing up. Turn it so that it points left, then aft, then right. (Remember that a loop points in the direction of its crossing.) The loop is in the vertical plane. The link eye on the bottom is named LE.1. (Remember that overhand knots have two link eyes; after the first action in this stage, they are located one over the other on the right side of the knot.)
* NM(E.RP.C.2=E.1) The end of the running part of the second cord will be named E.1.
* RV(E.1, LE.1:A-F) Reeve end #1 through link eye #1, from aft to fore.
* MB(CS.A(LE.1)=BT.1).C.2 Make a bight in the cord segment aft of link eye #1. Name this bight BT.1. All this is in cord #2.
* OL(BT.1, LP.1) Make BT.1 overlay LP.1. I'm stating this as if commanded by a verb. But OL is a descriptor. Literally this stage is verbless: Do whatever it takes to arrange things so that BT.1 overlays LP.1.
* PT(E.1:F), PT(E.1:D-A-U-F) End #1 points fore. Take end #1 and make it point in succession aft, up, then fore. This has the effect of producing a turn of E.1 around the standing part of C.2.
* RV(E.1, [LP.1, BT.1]:F-A) Reeve end #1 through both LP.1 and BT.1 simultaneously (now superimposed), from fore to aft.
* MV(SP.C.2^:R, SP.C.1^:L), TT(tt) Pull the standing part of cord #2 to the right and the standing part of cord #1 to the left, until snug.
  • I've never seen good instructions for this very useful knot. This is my own method.
  • This formula illustrates how the notation handles two cords in one method, the superimposing of a bight on a loop, and reeving through two openings at once.

*1 GP(SP, [LF.1, LF.2]), GP(RP, [RF.1, RF.2]), BT(CS:20u, LH, RH) Grip the standing part with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, and call the gripping site ST.1. At the same time, grip the running part with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, and call the gripping site ST.2. The cord segment between the left and right hands is about 20 diameters long.
*2 TW(RP:CW:R), MV(RH:L, LH:0), RS(LP), PN(LP:VP), PT(LP:D) Twist the running part clockwise (as viewed from the right). At the same time, move the right hand to the left and don't move the left hand at all. This results in a loop, which is in the vertical plane and points down.
*3 Do([*1, *2]):3, RS(LP.L=LP.1, LP.2L=LP.2, LP.R=LP.3) Repeat stages 1 and 2 three times. This results in three loops; the one on the left will be named LP.1, the one second from the left LP.2, and the one on the right LP.3. (Of course, all three loops are in the vertical plane and all three point down.)
* GP([CR.LP.1, CR.LP.2, CR.LP.3], [LF.1, LF.2]), L(LP.1:3u, LP.2), L(LP.2:3u, LP.3) Grip the three crossings of the three loops with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. Loop #1 is about three units (cord diameters) to the left of loop #2, which is in turn three units to the left of loop #3.
* RV(^[RF.1, RF.2], LP.3:A-F), GP(SD.R.LP.2, [RF.1, RF.2]) Stick the thumb and forefinger of the right hand through LP.3, from aft to fore. Grip the right side of LP.2 with the right thumb and forefinger.
* RV(^[LF.1, LF.2], LP.1.F-A), GP(SD.L.LP.2, [LF.1, LF.2]) Stick the thumb and forefinger of the left hand through LP.1, from fore to aft. Grip the left side of LP.2 with the left thumb and forefinger
* MV(SD.L.LP.2^:L, SD.R.LP.2^:R), TT(tt) Pull the left side of LP.2 to the left and the right side of LP.2 to the right. Pull until snug.
* TT(LP.1, tt), TT(LP.3, tt) Tighten LP.1 and LP.2 until snug.
  • We start this knot by making three loops. I could have used the ML verb, but I wanted to record instructions for an elegant twist and move method of producing these loops. So I used the TW and MV verbs, instead, followed by the RS descriptor to describe the loop that results. Moreover, instead of using the TW-MV-RS sequence three times, I used it once and then asked the tyer to repeat those stages three times.

Marlinspike hitch, from the bottom
* Let the tyer's marlinspike be Spike.1. NM(E.Spike.1=E.1) Through a user extension, we name an object not preidefined in the notation. We also name its end.
* Assume the E.SP is secured to an anchor fore of the tyer. GP(RP, LH), MV(RP^:A) TT(t) Another user extension (or indifferently, departure from the notation) to describe the initial state of the cord. Grip the running part with the left hand, pull aft lightly.
* GP(Spike.1, RH), PT(Spike.1:L), D(Spike.1, C), F(RH, LH) Grip the spike in the right hand so that its tip points left. The spike is below the cord. The right hand is fore of the left hand.)
* MV(Spike.1:U-A, LH:F), NM(CS.F(Spike.1)=CS.1), CS.A(Spike.1)=CS.2) Move the spike (and right hand) up and aft, while moving the left hand fore. The cord segment fore of the spike will be named CS.1, and the segment aft of it CS.2.
* F(LH, RH), PT(LF.2:U) Verbless: now the left hand is fore of the right hand. The left forefinger points up.
* MV(Spike.1:D), L(CS.1, LF.2), RS(/LP=LP.1) Move the spike down. Now CS.1 is to the left of the left forefinger. This results in a / loop, which we'll name LP.1.
* MV(Spike.1:D-F), PT(LF.2:U-A-D), RS(LP.L(CS.1)=LP.2) Move the spike down and fore. Rotate the left hand so that the left forefinger points up, then aft, then down. This results in a loop to the left of CS.1, which we'll call LP.2
* PT(Spike.1:L-D-L), RV(^Spike.1, LP.2:U-D), ~RV(LF.2, LP.2:U-D), PT(Spike.1.L) Turn the spike so that it points left, then down, then left. This reeves the spike through LP.2 from top to bottom. At the same time unreeve (remove) the left forefinger from LP.2, from up to down. The spike points left.
* MV(Spike.1^:A), TT(tt) Pull the spike aft until line is moderately taut.
  • This marlinspike hitch is "from the bottom" because the spike starts from under the cord. There's another method in which the spike starts from above.
  • While the method has been chopped into stages, the motion of the toggle is a smooth circle. Viewed from the right, it starts about 3:00, and moves counter-clockwise through 12:00, 9:00, and 6:00. It's finshed when it returns to 3:00.
  • This formula illustrates how to name an object (the spike) not pre-defined in the notation and how to notate actions by toggles or other tools used in the tying method.

This notation was first put online July 26, 2002.

Also see my guide, Knots on the Web.

The right arrow ("until" operator) uses the Symbol Font, which is installed by default on most but not all computers. See Alan Wood's guide to its symbols.

Ribbon] Peter Suber, Department of Philosophy, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, 47374, U.S.A.   Copyright © 2002-2006, Peter Suber.