Welcome to the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) Newsletter
     March 4, 2002

More on the Budapest Open Access Initiative

University of Southampton press release on BOAI

BioMed Central press release on BOAI

SPARC and SPARC Europe press release on BOAI

ARL press release on BOAI
("Open access as defined by the BOAI is a laudable goal in sync with the aims of ARL. The BOAI states that those works that 'scholars give to the world without expectation of payment' should be freely accessible online without cost to the user. ARL is committed to working with scholarly publishers interested in experimenting with new funding models to develop a realistic assessment of the economic impact of open access. The Association believes an environment that better reflects the values of the research and educational communities could have the benefit of restoring to the academic community the control of its own intellectual property while reducing costs. It would demonstrate to policy makers and legislators the economic and intellectual vitality of a system that more fully balances societal good with economic interests.")

Stephen Strauss, Napster for scientists? (For the _Globe and Mail_)
Stevan Harnad's correction of errors in this article

Stevan Harnad's reply to the ALPSP criticism of the BOAI

My editorial for Cortex, which includes some discussion of BOAI

* The Budapest Open Access Initiative
(Sign it, persuade your institution to sign it, take steps to implement it, and spread the word.)


The eJournals Delivery Service

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) have launched the eJournals Delivery Service (eJDS).  Unlike other programs to delivery scientific ejournals to developing countries, this one doesn't depend on local internet connectivity.  In regions where insufficient money or bandwidth mean that scientists have email but not full internet connections, the eJDS will deliver free copies of requested articles by email.  eJDS allows participating researchers to search the net and follow hyperlinks all by email, by clicking on links in email attachments displayed in their browsers.  Document delivery depends on whether the ICTP has a subscription to the relevant journal.  Users can request a maximum of 3 articles per day, 12 per week, and 100 per year, to avoid overburdening the system.  If publishers want to put limits on ICTP's freedom to copy and distribute their articles, ICTP will honor them.

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics is named for the Pakistani Nobel laureate in physics (1979), located in Trieste, Italy, supported by UNESCO and IAEA, and devoted to advancing research in developing countries.

The eJournals Delivery Service
(Thanks to Ann Okerson.)

User's manual
(If you want to see how eJDS simulates an internet experience through email alone.)

ICTP and TWAS also coordinate a well-established Donation Programme to channel donated books, print journals, and equipment to needy institutions.

The Abdus Salam ICTP

The Third World Academy of Sciences


Timeline of the FOS Movement

Since I launched it last week, my timeline has greatly improved, thanks to suggestions and details from Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Stevan Harnad, Thomas Krichel.

Here are some questions that will help me improve it further.

--When did Medline become free?
--When did Perseus move from CD's to the web?
--When was NCSTRL laid down before it was relaunched in 2001?
--Are there important FOS "firsts" not already on the timeline?  Are there other landmarks in the evolution of FOS not already on the timeline?

Timeline of the FOS Movement



The Security Systems Standards and Certification Act (SSSCA) is the radical extension to the DMCA that would require all computers to contain government-approved, hardware-level security devices.  It would prohibit any attempt to bypass or remove these security devices, build a new computer without one, or log into the internet without a "secured" (or crippled) computer.  It would punish violators with up to five years in prison and fines over half a million dollars (see FOSN for 9/14/01, 10/5/01).

The content industry, led by Disney, loves the SSSCA because it will provide hardware support for copy protection.  The computer industry, led by Intel, hates it because it would let lawmakers dictate how to build computers.  It would also hobble universal Turing machines in order to make them safe for copyrighted entertainment, a preposterous trade-off.  In general, democrats side with the content industry and republicans side with the computer industry.

On February 28, Senator Fritz Hollings held the first public hearing on the SSSCA.  Hollings drafted the bill but has not yet introduced it.  Early in the hearing he made his position perfectly clear.  If Congress doesn't pass the SSSCA, he argued, it will "essentially sanction the Internet as a haven for thievery".

In his testimony, Disney CEO Michael Eisner argued that the computer industry opposes the bill only because it profits from piracy.

Eisner also turned from the senators to engage fellow witness, Leslie Vadasz, Executive VP of Intel.  Eisner got Vadasz to admit that there is no technology that can protect content once it is stolen and placed unprotected on the internet.  What's disturbing is that Eisner and Hollings apparently believe this justifies the SSSCA.

Official transcripts of the witnesses

Dan Gilmour, Intel backs consumers over Hollywood
("Neutering PCs is only part of Hollywood's plan. Its goals would inevitably turn the Internet into a variation on pay-TV.")

Declan McCullagh, Content Spat Split on Party Lines

Amy Harmon, Hearings On Digital Movies and Piracy

David McGuire, Entertainment, Tech Execs Square Off Over Piracy

Gretchen Hyman, Disney Fights 'Digital Piracy' Before Senate

Jack Valenti's pre-hearing public letter, complaining that "the movie industry is under siege from a small community of professors" and can't make money without the SSSCA.

Letter of opposition to SSSCA by IBM, Microsoft, Motorola, Intel and others (February 27, 2002)

Letter of opposition to SSSCA by the ACM (September 26, 2001)

Many of the critical companies have banded together to form the Computer Systems Policy Project

Working draft of the SSSCA (August 6, 2001)

Anti-SSSCA petition

StopPoliceware.org (anti-SSSCA site)

As I go to press, Declan McCullagh and Robert Zarate report in _Wired News_ that the House of Representatives is skeptical of the SSSCA and would probably kill it even if the Senate passes it.

* Postscript.  Congressional deference to publishers at the expense of readers, and the elevation of one legitimate interest over all legitimate interests in conflict with it, was already extreme in the DMCA and has reached truly psychotic proportions in the SSSCA.  In the DMCA readers lost their fair-use rights, purchasers lost their back-up rights, and libraries lost their lending rights.  With the SSSCA, computers will lose their universality and become jukeboxes with built-in calculators.  Congress has already upset the constitutionally-mandated balance of interests within copyright law, and now threatens to put entertainment ahead of every other use of the power of computation.

The hearing makes pretty clear that Hollings is less interested in passing the SSSCA than using it in order to terrorize the computer industry into negotiating a private-sector solution with the content industry.  But this is not very reassuring.  Congress likes to call these solutions "voluntary" because they make legislation unnecessary.  But of course any changes brought about by the threat of the SSSCA are about as voluntary as money transfers brought about by the threat of stabbing.



The USA PATRIOT Act has been on the books since October 2001, but for some reason there has been a recent spike of commentary on it, especially on its implications for libraries and scholarship.  Here's a sampling.

In the March issue of _American Libraries_, Karen Schneider calls the Patriot Act the "last refuge of a scoundrel", quoting Samuel Johnson's definition of patriotism.  Actually, she has stronger words for it:  "treason pure and simple".  Because the act authorizes the FBI to demand any kind of records, including library borrowing records, Schneider recommends that libraries identify their sensitive records and decide what to do with them:  "if you want sign-up sheets shredded every day, [then make sure that] that is in fact what happens.  When the court order comes, it is too late to 'pull an Enron' and rush to the shredder".   True patriots, she argues, protect the constitution and the people they serve.
(Thanks to Walt Crawford.)

In New York City on March 5-6, _Scientific American_ will host an international conference on how the war on terror has affected privacy and security.

In the March 1 _Chronicle of Higher Education_, Scott Carlson and Andrea Foster report that colleges worry that complying the act will turn them into spies on their own students and faculty. "Opening student computer files without their permission.  Reporting on the library books checked out by a graduate student.  Collecting data on who on campus is sending e-mail to whom.  To many college technology and library officials, these sound like invasions of privacy that are antithetical to the traditions of academe. But these are the sorts of actions that a new law may well permit or in some cases require."  Quoting Peter Swire, law professor at Ohio State University:  "Universities uphold the importance of free inquiry, and we don't want to chill that inquiry by having researchers and students think that their every move is being tracked by the government."
(Accessible only to CHE subscribers.)

The _Chronicle_ also sponsored a colloquy (online discussion) on how institutions should comply with the act (starting February 27).

In a February 28 speech at Vanderbilt, Nadine Strossen, head of the ACLU, said that the PATRIOT Act threatens the privacy and freedom of all Americans, not just those suspected of committing terrorist acts.  She accuses Congress of being "being supine and not even taking the trouble to read this behemoth law before they passed it".
(Thanks to Freedom News Daily.)

In the February 15 _LLRX_, Mary Minow predicts "that there will be a great many more surveillance orders, everywhere in the country, and in turn there will be more requests for library records, including Internet use records."  It's also possible that the FBI will want to place its eavesdropping software, Carnivore (aka DCS1000), on library servers.

In a couple of recent columns, Nat Hentoff reviews the damaging effects of the Patriot Act on libraries and booksellers, and the privacy of their patrons.  From the third of these columns:  "This, mind you, is part of a law in the United States of America, not the People's Republic of China."

* Postscript.  Why all this commentary now?  I'm not sure.  There hasn't been a notable incident to set it off.  One possibility is that while the legislation was adopted in the heat of passion following September 11, cooler heads are starting to speak.  Even if some were willing to call it "treason pure and simple" the day it was adopted, editors are now more likely to let the statement stand.  Americans who find the act justified are now more willing to admit that at least it is controversial and that in America critics and dissenters may still speak their minds (John Ashcroft is a notable exception).

* PPS.  The USA PATRIOT Act is capitalized not from patriotism but because it is an acronym --for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.

Text of the USA PATRIOT Act

EFF summary of its major provisions

* PPPS.  The constitution is harder to amend than legislation precisely so that it will check episodes of legislative hysteria.  Hope lies a courageous plaintiff willing to go to court, and a few courageous federal judges willing to live up to their oath.


More on deleting scientific information from the web

Like the recent surge of PATRIOT criticism, there has been a recent spate of stories on governments deleting information from the internet to keep it from terrorists, even though this has been happening continuously since September 11.  (See FOSN for 10/5/01, 10/12/01.)

February 27 _New York Times_, deletions by the federal government

February 26 _New York Times_, deletions by New York State

February 24, _Washington Post_, deletions by the federal government
(The article in this set most closely focusing on scientific information.  Quoting Michael Levi, who leads the effort to purge sensitive information from the one million pages hosted by the Federation of American Scientists:  "We often err quite strongly on the side of caution."  The Energy Department ran a search across its online scientific documents, and removed 9,000 containing  keywords like "nuclear" or "chemical storage".  Staffers are looking through the 9,000 and putting back those found to be harmless.)

February 14, _Chronicle of Higher Education_, removing CDs from Federal Depository Libraries

_Information Today_ poll on the subject
(Top of the page; not likely to last much longer.)



* CalTech already maintains a number of OAI-compliant archives.  It is now willing to set up a new one for any research unit at the university willing to sign the Author Permission Agreement and willing to agree that the archives are archival and that no papers entered will be removed.

* Hussein Suleman and Edward Fox have launched the Open Digital Libraries project (see FOSN for 12/19/01).  For this purpose, an "open digital library" is a network of OAI-compliant archives.  The archives share content and services through the OAI interface.  Users can create and plug in modules for additional power.  The project already has modules for harvesting, aggregating, and searching.  This new power requires extending the OAI standard slightly, but the extension is separable from the original standard.

* The University of Michigan has launched the OAIster Project.  The project uses the OAI metadata harvesting protocol to reach content residing in the deep or invisible internet and make it visible (readable, searchable).  It will also use Michigan's DLXS middleware to index the newly visible resources to make them easier to find and retrieve.  The project will apparently work with any deep internet content except that which is protected by password.  OAIster is funded by a grant from the Mellon Foundation.

OAIster home page

DLXS home page

* Resource, the Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, is developing Cornucopia, a portal to the UK's free online museum collections.  The site is in beta, and Resource welcomes your comments.
(Thanks to Managing Information Newsletter.)

* A Java Specification Request dated February 26, 2002, proposes a standard API for content repositories to interact with applications that operate on their content.  (PS:  This need isn't met by OAI, since many kinds of data can't be well-captured by the Dublin Core at the heart of the OAI standard.  However, if work starts on a new standard, let's make sure that it subsumes OAI.)

* The World Health Organization (WHO) has become an institutional member of BioMed Central (BMC).  This allows WHO researchers with accepted articles to avoid the processing fees that BMC charges other authors in order to cover the costs of dissemination and make access free for readers.  Because WHO is an important friend of FOS and producer of research, this is an important endorsement of the BMC business model.

* Dialog, the large commercial database of scholarly journals, now offers free searching of its unfree texts.  Users running free searches get a hit list of article titles, but not full citations (not authors, journal titles, or dates).  If they register a credit card with Dialog, they can purchase access to full-text directly from the hit list.  Dialog misleadingly calls this service "open access".  (PS:  This may be Dialog's attempt to catch up with Elsevier, which offers free searching of its unfree texts through Scirus.  But the Scirus hit list gives usefully complete bibliographic citations --everything but page numbers.)
(Thanks to Gary Price's VASND.)

* The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and the National Library of Australia (NLA) are collaborating on several digital preservation projects.  One is to create an online digest of news on digital preservation with an annual evaluation of the year's developments.

* Emerald has launched a new current awareness service.  Users, including non-subscribers, can search Emerald full-text journals and store the searches.  Emerald will notify users by email when newly published articles contain any of the stored search-strings.
(Thanks to the Library Link Newsletter.)

* EBSCO has made its full-text articles in biomedicine available through PubMed's LinkOut.

* OCLC has named the winners of its 2002 research awards.  Jane Greenberg, "Optimizing Metadata Creation"
Lorna Peterson, "Operationalizing Barriers in Dissemination of African Research and Scholarship"
Wonsik Shim, "Reification of Information Seeking Habits"

* Survivors of the Shoah is a collection of videotaped testimonies by over 50,000 eyewitnesses to the Holocaust.  Presently the tapes can be viewed only at selected museums in the U.S. and Israel, but eventually all the tapes will be digitized and made available over the internet --not to everyone but to "many more strategically chosen sites".  A small amount of the content is available now (select "Enhanced" from the front page).  The collection was produced by the Shoah Visual History Foundation, founded by Steven Spielberg.  The Foundation has been taping and digitizing the interviews for eight years.
(Thanks to ContentWorld.)

A related but much smaller British project, Voices of the Holocaust, is already online for all visitors.  The site contains the oral testimonies of about a dozen British survivors.
(Thanks to Gary Price's VASND.)


New on the net

* Leiden University has created a directory of free online journals, organized by discipline and alphabetically by title.  Journal titles and associated subject terms are searchable, and users can limit searches to full-text journals or include those offering only TOCs and abstracts.  A separate page lists newly added journals. This isn't comprehensive directory of FOS, but it's the closest thing I've seen so far.
(Thanks to Charles Bailey's Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog.)

* _Medical Approaches_ is not only a free online medical textbook.  It's a dynamic one that promises to remain authoritative and up to date.  (PS:  This is such a natural way to take advantage of the internet.  Why is it so rare?  One of the earliest and most important examples is the _Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy_.  Are there other notable examples?)

M.J. Rose on _Medical Approaches_ in Wired

Medical Approaches

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

* The Text-e online seminar has moved on to the last text on its syllabus, Umberto Eco's "Authors and Authority".  It will be the subject of discussion from February 28 to March 14.  Here's how Eco encapsulates his topic:  "What is the role of the expert and of the intellectual at a time when information is accessible to virtually everyone? Do intellectuals play the role of a 'Web-filter'?"

* Two Finnish universities have released Fle3, an open-source learning environment allowing groups of students or researchers to "carry out knowledge building dialogues, theory building and debates by storing their thoughts into a shared database".  The source code and a file of tips for teachers are available for downloading at the site.
(Thanks to Educause.)

* The File Room is an archive of worldwide censorship, organized by date, location, medium, and grounds for censorship.  For each incident it gives a concise report.  The collection covers censorship from the Ancient Greeks to the present.
(Thanks to Phil Agre's Red Rock Eater.)

* If you're planning to give a public talk about how copyright law is harming libraries and scholarship, you'll appreciate Russell McOrmand's notes on the questions you're likely to face and suggestions on how to answer.  For example, are you a socialist?  McOrmand has also posted the slides he uses in his public talks.
(Thanks to LIS News.)

* Ephemera ("Critical Dialogues on Organization") is a new free online peer-reviewed journal.

* Thomas Krichel has created a mirror of the FOS Newsletter home page.  Thanks, Thomas.


Share your thoughts

* The College Art Association (CAA) would like to file an amicus brief supporting Eric Eldred's Supreme Court case against the Bono Copyright Extension Act (FOSN for 4/24/01, 2/25/02).  To prepare its brief, the CAA requests the help of teachers, scholars, and curators.  You needn't have legal expertise.  If you can show that extending copyrights for an additional 20 years, and the corresponding shrinkage of the public domain, will harm your work, your profession, or those you serve, the CAA would like to hear from you.  The deadline is March 28.
(Thanks to Ellen Fernandez.)

* The NSF is soliciting applications for "projects that demonstrate how modern information and communications technologies can fundamentally change the way in which topical material is represented and delivered to diverse communities of users."  Applicants should send an optional letter of intent by April 27 and their full application by May 27.


In other publications

* In the March 8 _Chronicle of Higher Education_, Deanna Marcum and Anne Kenney argue that one solution to the preservation of books printed on acidic paper is to digitize rather than microfilm them.  After digitization, the works could be made accessible "universally" (I assume this means free of charge) on the web.  Three problems face this strategy:  first, find good ways to keep the digital copies readable over the long term; second, coordinate libraries so that they don't duplicate labor that only has to be performed once; and third, find external funds to cover their costs.
(Accessible only CHE subscribers.)

* In the March 4 _Los Angeles Times_, Jonathan Tasini, the plaintiff in the landmark Supreme Court on digital rights, has an op-ed piece supporting Eric Eldred's suit to overturn the Bono Copyright Extension Act.  "Rather than carry the water for an industry bent on impoverishing us in this lifetime and reaping the benefits long after we are gone, creators should embrace the principle that human knowledge advances when information is shared, that cultural expression belongs to the public and that the intellectual wealth of a nation, in the form of ideas and information, cannot --and should not-- be locked up as the property of a few."
(Thanks to BNA's Internet Law News.)

* In the March/April _Technology Source_, Steven Gilbert interviews Phil Long about MIT's Open Knowledge and Open Courseware initiatives.

* In the same issue of _Technology Source_, Laura Gasaway describes why universities need a faculty copyright ownership policy and gives some suggestions on how to draft or revise such a policy.

* In the March/April of _CLIR Issues_, Daniel Greenstein argues that digital libraries should be tested by their support for scholarship.  One way for research libraries to provide this support is to create free online archives and other channels for presenting the results of research.  "One immediate question is whether digital libraries are adequately connected to their scholarly communities to sustain these new and laudable objectives."  (Greenstein, who was formerly the Director of the Digital Library Federation, was recently appointed the Executive Director of the California Digital Library.)

* In the same issue of _CLIR Issues_, Deanna Marcum describes the January 31 meeting of the CLIR and AAP Working Group created to address issues common to libraries and publishers (see FOSN for 1/16/02).  Librarians and publishers tend to have conflicting interests --for example, open access v. restricted access.  But at the meeting they outlined nine issues on which they should discuss the possibility of collaboration and joint action.  One was digital archiving.  Another was economic models for maintaining digital archives.

* In the February 28 _Guardian_, Stuart Millar reports on the launch of the Digital Preservation Coalition in a ceremony at the House of Commons.  One of his anecdotes serves nicely as a parable to explain the need for the DPC and similar initiatives:  "To mark the 900th anniversary of the Domesday Book in 1986, the BBC launched an ambitious project to capture information on the modern UK, storing contributions from researchers and thousands of schoolchildren on two hi-tech 12in laser discs. The original Domesday Book can still be read, but the information on the 17-year-old discs is now almost unreadable because the technology to access them is obsolete."

* In the February 28 _Business Week_, Heather Green reports that copyright law is hindering Brewster Kahle's plan to create a free archive of the entire internet.  Quoting Lawrence Lessig:  "[Kahle] has the technology, he has the money, and he has the business plan.  All he needs is the permission of the lawyers, and he won't get it."
(Thanks to LIS News.)

* On February 26, DigiCULT put online its recommendations on how European cultural heritage institutions can "unlock the value of their collections" by moving online.  "The conversion of all sorts of cultural contents into bits and bytes opens up a completely new dimension of reaching traditional and new audiences by providing access to cultural heritage resources in ways unimaginable a decade ago."

* In a February 26 story in _Wired News_, Brad King describes two new WIPO treaties to take effect over the coming months.  They change the worldwide copyright rules for software, movies, and music.  Most of King's article is on the US DMCA, which was implemented in order to satisfy the terms of an earlier WIPO treaty, but which went well beyond the requirements of the treaty.

* An anonymous February 24 _Reuters_ article describes John Perry Barlow's take on recent copyright developments.

* In the February 21 _Writ_, Julie Hilden argues that subpoenas for a bookstore's records to see who bought what violate the First Amendment and should not be enforced.
(Thanks to LIS News.)

* In the February 21 _Guardian_, Hamish Visit interviews Brewster Kahle, creator of the Internet Archive and the Wayback Machine.
(Thanks to NewsAgent.)

* In the February 15 _CNet_, Eliot Van Buskirk describes Lawrence Lessig's plan for the Creative Commons.  He focuses on music rather than other digital content, but still gives more detail relevant to FOS than we got from the first wave of stories on the Creative Commons.

* The February issue of _CLIRinghouse_ contains an anonymous exploring ways to help students find useful digital scholarship.  The problem is that four out of five college freshmen turn to mainstream search engines when they have to find scholarship or information for an assignment.  These search engines usually miss the most useful resources in the invisible web, on which colleges spend so much money in licensing fees and on which scholars spend so much time in peer review.  The Mellon Foundation is funding some experiments whose general approach is to make database content more visible rather than to train freshmen to look beyond Google.  Some of the experiments have the encouragement and assistance of the Digital Library Federation.

* The February issue of _RLG Focus_ contains several FOS-related articles.

Stephen Prowse, "CURL Establishes Interlending Network with SHARES"

David Larsen, "Why the University of Chicago Uses Ariel 3.01 for Electronic Document Delivery

Ricky Erway, "Discover the Riches within RLG Cultural Materials"

Tony Gill, "Seeking International Synergies for Digital Content Creation"

* The February issue o the _INASP Newsletter_ contains several FOS-related stories.

Jacinta Were, "PERI, expected impact in Africa"

Alfred Martey, "PERI in Ghana"

Michel Menou, "The 'holy' quest for impact"

* The February issue of the _Librarian's eBook Newsletter_, contains two stories of interest to FOSN readers.

Anon., Why libraries have turned from netLibrary and Questia to ebrary.

Anon., Recent articles about ebooks

* In a February paper posted to the _National Library of Australia_, David Toll describes Australia's ambitious plan to create seamless online access to the nation's "documentary information".  For some content access would be free, while for other content it would be priced but affordable.
(Thanks to Gary Price's VASND.)

* In the January/February issue of _The American Spectator_, Lawrence Lessig excerpts his new book, _The Future of Ideas_.  I recommend the book strongly, but if you don't have time for it, or if you need a test run, then I recommend these excerpts.
(Thanks to C-FIT.)

* The January/February issue of _eCulture_ is now available.  It contains short reports on many of the EU's IST digital programs, and longer stories on digitization cooperation in Europe, the DigiCULT study (see above at February 26).  Separate stories don't have separate URLs.

* The January issue of _ERCIM News_ is devoted to e-government.  In addition to the e-government pieces, there are the following FOS-related articles on other topics.

Donatella Castelli, "Open Archives Forum"

Ingeborg Solvberg, "European Conference on Digital Libraries 2001"

Matthias Hemmje and Umeshwar Dayal, "Third DELOS Workshop on Interoperability and Mediation in Heterogeneous Digital Libraries"

Hachim Haddouti, "International Mediterranean Workshop on Digital Libraries"

* Andreas Aschenbrenner's Diploma Thesis (December 2001) is now online:  Long-Term Preservation of Digital Material:  Building an Archive to Preserve Digital Cultural Heritage from the Internet.


Following up

* France wants to try the former CEO of Yahoo for condoning war crimes by allowing the auction of Nazi memorabilia on Yahoo.  For background on the France-Yahoo conflict, and an explanation of why it's relevant to FOS, see FOSN for 11/9/01, 11/16/01.


Catching up (old news I should have discovered earlier)

* Lars Aronsson maintains Project Runeberg, a free online archive of Nordic literature and art on the internet since 1992.



If you plan to attend one of the following conferences, please share your observations with us through our discussion forum.

* International Spring School on the Digital Library and E-publishing for Science and Technology
Geneva, March 3-8

* CURL ePrints Workshop
Glasgow, March 4

* Search Engine Strategies
Boston, March 4-5

* Preserving an Open Society in an Age of Terrorism (hosted by _Scientific American_)
New York, March 5-6

* Redefining [Digital] Preservation (ARL and the University of Michigan)
Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 7-8

* Towards an Information Society for All
Berlin, March 8-9

* Knowledge Technologies Conference 2002
Seattle, March 10-13

* 17th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing.  Special tracks on Database and Digital Library Technologies; Electronic Books for Teaching and Learning; and Information Access and Retrieval
Madrid, March 10-14

* Digitization for Cultural Heritage Professionals:  An Intensive Program
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, March 10-15

* EUSDIC Spring Meeting.  E-Content:  Divide or Rule
Paris, March 11-12

* Open Publish 2001
Seattle, March 11-14

* ARL Workshop on Interactive Publishing of Data on the Web
Charlottesville, Virginia, March 11-15

* Computers in Libraries 2002
Washington D.C., March 13-15

* International Conference on the Statistical Analysis of Textual Data
St. Malo, March 13-15

* The Electronic Publishers Coalition (EPC) conference on ebooks and epublishing (obscurely titled, Electronically Published Internet Connection, or EPIC)
Seattle, March 14-16

* Licensing and Digital Content:  A Symposium
Philadelphia, March 15

* Digital Resources and International Information Exchange:  East-West
March 15 (Washington DC), 18 (Flushing NY), 20 (Stamford CT)

* Internet Librarian International 2002
London, March 18-20

* The New Information Order and the Future of the Archive
Edinburgh, March 20-23

* Institute of Mueum and Library Services.  Building Digital Communities
Baltimore, March 20-22

* Advanced Licensing Workshop
Dallas, March 20-22

* Electronic Publishing Strategy
London, March 22

* Association of Information and Dissemination Centers (ASDIC) Spring 2002 Meeting
St. Augustine, Florida, March 24-26

* OCLC Institute. Steering by Standards.  (A series of satellite videoconferences.)
Cyberspace.  OAI, March 26.  OAIS, April 19.  Metadata standards in the future, May 29.

* WebSearch University
San Francisco, March 25-26; Stamford CT, April 30 - May 1; Washington DC, September 23-24; Chicago, Octeober 22-23; Dallas, November 19-20.

* European Colloquium on Information Retrieval Research
Glasgow, March 25-27

* e-Content:  Discovering and Delivering Value
Toronto, March 25-27

* New Developments in Digital Libraries
Ciudad Real, Spain, April 2-3

* The New Information Order and the Future of the Archive
Edinburgh, March 20-23

* Copyright Management in Higher Education:  Ownership, Access and Control
Adelphi, Maryland, April 4-5

* Global Knowledge Partnership Annual Meeting
Addis Ababa, April 4-5

* International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing
Las Vegas, April 8-10

* NetLab and Friends:  10 Years of Digital Library Development
Lund, April 10-12

* E-Content 2002 (on ebooks)
London, April 11

* Censorship and Free Access to Information in Libraries and on the Internet
Copenhagen, April 11

* International Learned Journals Seminar:  We Can't Go On Like This:  The Future of Journals
London, April 12

* SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
Arlington, Virginia, April 11-13

* Creating access to information:  EBLIDA workshop on getting a better deal from your information licences
The Hague, April 12

* Licensing Electronic Resources to Libraries
Philadelphia, April 15

* United Kingdom Serials Group Annual Conference and Exhibition
University of Warwick, April 15- 17

* Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy
San Francisco, April 16-19

* EDUCAUSE Networking 2002
Washington, D.C., April 17-18

* Museums and the Web 2002
Boston, April 17-20

* Legal Guidelines for Use of Intellectual Property in Higher Education
Oneonta, NY, April 19

* Information, Knowledges and Society: Challenges of A New Era
Havana, April 22-26

* DAI Institute on The State of Digital Preservation:  An International Perspective
Washington, D.C., April 24-25

* The European Library:  The Gate to Europe's Knowledge:  Milestone Conference
Frankfurt am Main, April 29-30


The Free Online Scholarship Newsletter is supported by a grant from the Open Society Institute.


This is the Free Online Scholarship Newsletter (ISSN 1535-7848).

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Peter Suber

Copyright (c) 2002, Peter Suber

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