Open Access News

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Monday, December 08, 2008

OA and the disintermediation of libraries and museums

Stephen Arnold, "Giochi di Open Access e altre nuove tecnologie di communicazione: la tentazione disintermediazion," in Paolo Galluzzi and Pietro A. Valentino (eds.), Galassia Web: La Cultura nella Rete, Civita, November 2008.

The text isn't online.  But here's Arnold's English-language summary of his article:

The main point of my contribution hinges on Disintermediation. Institutions such as museums and libraries want to provide an online catalog and some type of access to the information under their stewardship. But large companies such as Google are slowly aggregating a broad range of content. For now, commercial enterprises have not shown a desire to create an aggregated service that includes indexes, images, music, and other information public institutions have created. The risk is that unless groups of institutions take the lead in aggregation, the commercial service may by default become the library or the museum for Internet users. In short, the disintermediation that ravaged commercial online services and corporate libraries may now have an impact on the information now in the control of universities, public agencies, privately-endowed institutions, and governmental entities. I don’t have a timeline but I make the point that acting in a parochial way may waste time. Action can provide a countermeasure for the forces of disintermediation.