Open Access News

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Good press for OA legal text in Australia

Simon Chester, A New Model for Legal Publishing,, December 15, 2008.  Excerpt:

I came across...[an] enthusiastic review of a new book on the law of Bail [in Victoria, Australia]....Well what’s unusual about that, you might ask.

Legal publishing in jurisdictions like Victoria...relies on legal academics or practising lawyers who work hard to write a book, which their publishers will know have very limited sales potential....

What’s unique about Faris on Bail is that the author, Australian blogger Peter Faris...decided...that he could reach the audience for his book via the web and that a legal publisher was an intermediary he was prepared to forego.

Friday’s Business Section of The Australian has the story [Chris Merritt, Legal Affairs Editor, December 12, 2008]:

...Peter Faris QC is one of those delightful lawyers who loves stirring. Just when you think he might be about to slow down, he does something or says something that is guaranteed to make trouble for someone who needs it.

[H]is latest target is the legal publishing industry that makes a very nice living by flogging overpriced law books to a captive market.

The publishers will have kittens when they become aware what Faris has done: he has written and published a legal text on Victoria’s bail laws — and he is giving it away online as a free PDF download.

It’s a deal the publishing industry can’t hope to match, particularly as he plans to issue updates about once a month — also for free....