Open Access News

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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Social and technical aspects of archiving a digital project

Catherine Howell, Reflection and Selection: Creating a digital project archive, catherine's blog, October 21, 2008. (Thanks to Fabrizio Tinti.)

At the end of any project, the time comes to wrap up work and, hopefully, to prepare project outputs for dissemination and archiving. We’re working with the folks from CTREP to create the digital archive for the Learning Landscape Project. ...

CTREP is a project under JISC’s Repositories and Preservation programme. At Cambridge, the CTREP team is working to integrate our VLE, Sakai/CamTools, and our institutional repository, DSpace@Cambridge. (Up in the wilds of Scotland, our CTREP colleagues at the wonderfully-named University of the Highlands and Islands are doing related integration work with TETRA / Fedora). The idea is that DSpace will appear as “just another folder” in the Resources area of a CamTools site, and that pushing items from Resources into Dspace will, eventually, be a simple matter of drag-and-drop. Metadata will be pulled in automatically, along with each individual resource item—although I’ve got a lot to learn about how that works, exactly. ...

Various editorial processes happen before an item even makes it through from the project’s worksite to the second, archival site. Inevitably, our archival site does not reflect the messy “reality” embodied in the project worksite, and perhaps especially in the project Wiki. But an archive has to balance the desire to keep everything with the ultimate goal of usability ...