Open Access News

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Iranian participation in E-LIS

AmirReza Asnafi, et al., A survey on amount of scientific publications of Iranian scientists and their collaboration in E-Print database, presented at COLLNET 2008 (Berlin, July 28-August 1, 2008). Abstract:
Information like blood flows in the vessel of society, so its production is a major indicator for development in countries. It can be utilized in various fields and domains. In current era, scientific and research indicators determine status and rank of countries around the world. Countries that increase their researches and scientific productions will have high scientific rank. This will lead to growth and development in each country. E-LIS§ is an open access database of published and in-press technical and scientific documents in Library and Information Science field that authors can submit their articles to this database voluntary. Current research will study the amount of scientific publications of Iranian scientists and their collaboration in E-LIS (Electronic library and Information Science) database in comparison with other Asian countries and will determine rank of Iran in scientific collaboration among these countries in this database. Also, current research will study web transaction logs of produced papers by Iranian scientists that is presented in this database, in order to determine Amount of usability of these papers by various users. Also this research will study significant relationship among Iranian scientists' collaboration in scientific publications and amount of downloads of their articles by users.