Open Access News

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Report criticizes digital textbooks, recommends OA

The Student PIRGs's Make Textbooks Affordable campaign has released a report, Course Correction: How Digital Textbooks are Off Track and How to Set Them Straight, dated August 2008, recommending OA for digital textbooks. (Thanks to Creative Commons.) From the executive summary:

Textbooks are an essential but increasingly expensive part of obtaining a college degree. With students spending between $700 and $1,000 per year and prices rising faster than inflation, the need for a solution is increasingly urgent.

Digital textbooks are a promising way to lower costs for students. The digital format has the potential to cut production costs, increase options for students, and open up the market to more competition. ...

The Student PIRGs conducted this study to determine how digital textbooks can live up to their potential as a solution. ... [W]e confirm three fundamental criteria – affordability, printing options, and accessibility. We found that publishers’ digital “e-textbooks” fail to meet these criteria, and that an emerging form of digital textbooks – open textbooks – are a perfect match.

Update. See also the coverage from Ars Technica.