Open Access News

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

NSF Task Force calls for OA to NSF-funded research, data, and OERs

Fostering Learning in the Networked World: The Cyberlearning Opportunity and Challenge, August 11, 2008.  A Report of the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Task Force on Cyberlearning.  The report is dated June 24, 2008, but wasn't released until August 11, 2008.  (Thanks to Clifford Lynch.)  The report focuses on access to technology and teaching materials, but has something to say about OA to research literature and data:

...All these developments [in OA to research literature and data] will help to contribute to the effectiveness of cyberlearning initiatives. We would certainly welcome, for example, a NSF policy on articles reporting research results that was at least as strong in encouraging open access as that adopted by NIH (and would also urge that some thought be given to consistency of policy across Government agencies).

With regard to materials developed with NSF funding that are primarily educational in nature (rather than reports of research results or research data) —and recognizing that this is a slippery distinction— we believe that an NSF-wide policy that encourages principal investigators to make their materials open and to be concerned about their sustainability is essential....

Comment.  Kudos to Christine Borgman, who chaired the task force.  The NSF Task Force on Cyberinfrastructure (as opposed to this one, on Cyberlearning) also supports OA, at least to data