Open Access News

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A wiki of open data on biological pathways

Alexander R. Pico and five co-authors, WikiPathways: Pathway Editing for the People, PLoS Biology, July 22, 2008.

The exponential growth of diverse types of biological data presents the research community with an unprecedented challenge and opportunity. The challenge is to stay afloat in the flood of biological data, keeping it as accessible, up-to-date, and integrated as possible. The opportunity is to cultivate new models of data curation and exchange that take advantage of direct participation by a greater portion of the community....

Each biological pathway must be hewn from a mass of biological information distributed across multiple publications and databases.

The particular challenge of pathway curation is amplified, because pathways are often presented as static images that are not amenable to computation, integration, or data exchange. Furthermore, pathway experts are distributed throughout the world, and most have limited time to learn about complex databases that need their expertise....

Fortunately, the biology community can provide an answer that will scale with the challenge: community curation [through a wiki]....

To facilitate the contribution and maintenance of pathway information by the biology community, we established WikiPathways....

Also see today's announcement of WikiPathways from the Gladstone Institutes at the U of California San Francisco.