Open Access News

News from the open access movement

Thursday, May 15, 2008

OA database to coordinate science projects for development

Scientists Without Borders launched an OA database to "coordinate science-based activities that improve quality of life in the developing world."  (Thanks to Matt Cockerill.)  From the announcement:

...In May 2008, Scientists Without Borders launched its first project, a Web portal, whose cornerstone is a database that will:

  • Connect scores of public and private organizations that are currently addressing the UN Millennium Development Goals through science-based activities—and foster innovative activities among them;
  • Offer a unique and empowering information source to thousands of academic and industry scientists who wish to work on global health, environmental challenges and other vital issues;
  • Register needs and available resources, thus allowing scientists and organizations to connect and direct their energies for maximum impact; and
  • Provide a mechanism by which organizations can build on one another's progress.

This user-friendly and easily accessible tool assembles information about the location, goals, needs, and other attributes of research-based and capacity-building projects, as well as a roster of scientists who are willing to help.

The resulting resource will foster connections among organizations working in the same region or on related problems, and it will allow scientists prepared to offer time and expertise to browse opportunities and advertise their capacities. They can be matched according to their area of knowledge and/or in a need-based manner....

Update. Also see the summary of the project by Evelyn Strauss, Executive Director of Scientists Without Borders.