Open Access News

News from the open access movement

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Students can help universities adopt OA mandates

Stevan Harnad, The University's Mandate To Mandate Open Access, Open Access Archivangelism, January 30, 2008. 

This is a guest posting (written at the invitation of Gavin Baker) for the new blog "Open Students: Students for Open Access to Research." Other OA activists are also encouraged to contribute to the Open Students blog.

Summary:  Open Access (OA) will not come until universities, the research-providers, make it part of their mandate not only to publish their research findings, as now, but also see to it that the few extra keystrokes it takes to make those published findings OA -- by self-archiving them in their institutional repositories, free for all online -- are done too. Students are in a position to help convince their universities to go ahead and mandate OA self-archiving, at long last....

PS:  I'm blogging the version of this post at Stevan's blog because the version at Open Students isn't up yet.

Update. The post is now up at Open Students.