Open Access News

News from the open access movement

Friday, January 18, 2008

ERC will continue to pay publication fees

In my post last week about the OA mandate at the European Research Council (ERC), I couldn't tell whether ERC would continue its previous policy to pay publication fees at fee-based OA journals:

The ERC's March 2007 grant guidelines make clear (pp. 12, 35) that when grantees submit their work to fee-based OA journals, ERC is willing to pay the publication fees.  But the new document [on the OA mandate from January 2008] is silent on the subject.  Do the older grant guidelines stand, because not modified here?  Or is ERC silently rescinding its willingness to pay publication fees?

I'm happy to report that the ERC will continue to pay publication fees.  (Thanks to the ERC-UK via Matthew Cockerill.)  From the latest ERC Guide for [Grant] Applicants, December 27, 2007, p. 16: and indirect costs

Direct eligible costs are those which support all the research, management, training and dissemination activities necessary for the conduct of the project, such as....Publication Costs (page charges and related fees for publication of results)....

This version of the Guide will apply at least until Summer 2008.