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Monday, July 30, 2007

Another society journal converts to free online access

S. Negrini, Europa Medicophysica and its "Free full text" in Internet:  toward the first Open Access of a general rehabilitation journal, Europa Medicophysica, June 2007.  The journal locked this PDF so that I can't cut and paste excerpts.  I'm rekeying this one but I'm not happy about it:

...The journal's Editorial Board, together with the Boards of SIMFER [Società Italiana di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitativa] and MFPRM [Mediterranean Forum of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine], has decided to move forward with these advances in communication:  from 1964, when the journal was first published, to 2004 with Medline/PubMed listing, by 2008 when, thanks to Minerva Medica, both online OA e-pub and in print editions will be available.  Nearly one year ago preparation began for setting up the current "Free Full Text" (FFT) version of all printed articles (i.e. all articles are freely available and printable in Internet without limitations but the copyright remains with the Editor), and will culminate next year with the full OA.  Few journals offer both print and OA editions:  viewing our past achievements, we recognized the advantageous prospects that OA offers authors, journals, and the research and clinical community....

Also see in the same issue:  Elena Giglia, Open Access in the biomedical field:  a unique opportunity for researchers (and research itself).  There is an abstract but I don't have time to rekey it.

Europa Medicophysica is the official journal of three organizations:

  • Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (Società Italiana di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitativa, or SIMFER)
  • Mediterranean Forum of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (MFPRM)
  • European Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ESPRM)

Comment.  I applaud the decision to make the articles free to read.  But please reconsider the policy to demand full copyright from authors and please unlock the PDFs!