Open Access News

News from the open access movement

Sunday, April 15, 2007

OA wiki at Delft

The library at Technische Universiteit Delft has launched an Open Access Wiki (in English).  From Maria Heijne's introduction:

In 2001 I published a column in the SURF journal SURF Cahier (nr.30;November 2001).  I referred to an article in a Dutch Elsevier weekly where librarians (and researchers) were pictured as book worms in their “marginal struggle” for new (business/technical) models for publication of scientific output. Our pleas for alternative models were then and now received with a bantering tone by publishers.

In the column I predicted that the book worm could turn out to be a snake in the grass!

And indeed we DAREd to bite: the DARE project was the basis to start institutional repositories, and in 2007 it turns out to be a success with international standing....

And the publishers now think the best antidote to the snakebite is to hire a ‘pit bull’: they hired a well known aggressive PR agent (Dezenhall Resources) to take on the free-information movement.  The article [in Nature] states ‘The publishers' link with Dezenhall reflects how seriously they are taking recent developments on access to information’.

I think we could see this as a victory for the book worms. And we really should welcome this because it could mean that publishers finally realize that the efforts from the bookworms have impact. Only now they may be ready to take serious steps in thinking with us about the real changes that have to be made to opening access to publicly funded information....

This wiki is maintained by TU Delft Library. We welcome your contribution!