Open Access News

News from the open access movement

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Communicating with repository managers

OpenDOAR has announced an email distribution service.  From today's announcement:

OpenDOAR, as a SHERPA project, is pleased to announce the release of a trial email distribution service for repository administrators, service providers and researchers around the world....

The global open access repository community is a vibrant and disparate group of individuals, whom make use of local and national email discussion lists for rapid and effective communication. However, to date there has been no readily available system to allow them, or other interested parties, to reach a bespoke or broader portion of the community on a truly global scale. It is to fulfil this perceived need that OpenDOAR has introduced this service.

Through using a small series of simple menus and options on the request form it is possible to directly address a specific proportion of the OpenDOAR listed repositories, including: countries, continents, language groups and software platform.

In keeping with the OpenDOAR quality assurance ethos all potential emails are filtered by SHERPA staff in terms of content and suitability of scope before redistribution.

As this is a pilot service the actual types of emails that will be redistributed remain uncertain, although it is anticipated that the follow types will be commonly received:

  • Emails announcing conferences, events and workshops

  • News or announcements concerning OA software platform developments

  • News of Open Access developments

  • Requests for collaborators on a project, research or similar

  • Announcements of research results of general interest to OA community....