Open Access News

News from the open access movement

Saturday, December 02, 2006

OA is here to stay

Paul Hutchings, Open Access now Openly Accepted, Kindle Research, December 1, 2006.  Excerpt:

There has been a sea change in attitudes to Open Access - using the internet to make scholarly research freely available.

At yesterday’s Online conference I was presenting findings from a study of NIH authors (slides and script) that makes clear their concerns about Open Access. My fellow speakers, both from publishers, had already taken a lot of these on board. Jan Velterop of Springer steered a reasonable argument between the science interests of scholarly communication and the ability of publishers to continue facilitating it, while Paul Peters of Hindawi Publishing showed that Open Access actually worked in the favour of smaller publishers like Hindawi.

It is now generally accepted that Open Access is here to stay and groups are concentrating on how to turn it to their advantage.