Open Access News

News from the open access movement

Monday, April 03, 2006

OA journals in the Philippines

Vernon Totanes, Open Access in the Third World, Filipino Librarian, March 3, 2006. Excerpt:
Business models for open access publishing will continue to vary depending on international law, funding policies, author preferences, etc., but I believe that the traditional journal will eventually have to be abandoned. This assertion of mine may or may not be conventional wisdom in more developed countries, but in a Third World country like the Philippines, it is, in my opinion, the only way to go....Very few scholarly journals are currently being published in our country, much less peer-reviewed. Even less are available as online journals, though not all are refereed. 

This situation, I believe, is due to the prohibitive cost of publishing scholarly journals that very few libraries can afford. And because the few authors who bother to write scholarly articles cannot be assured of getting their work published within a certain period --i.e., in time for tenure deadlines-- they submit their articles to foreign publications. Local publications are then forced to accept any and all articles submitted, instead of going through a peer-review process --assuming, of course, that they even have money to publish.

There are now three Filipino journals --there are twelve I’m aware of whose full text is available online-- that exist as purely electronic journals. If more Filipinos become aware of the benefits of open access --in addition to how easy it is to publish online-- then maybe more Filipino scholarly publications will become available.  I have worked on print and online publications, and while the time required to edit articles is the same for both, those published online do not have to contend with printing press schedules or deal with printing and mailing costs. And the publication is immediately available and will eventually be searchable through search engines.