Open Access News

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Report from UNESCO's Information for All Programme

Elizabeth Longworth (ed.), Living Information: Information for All Programme Report 2004/2005, UNESCO, 2006. Excerpt:
Access to information and knowledge is a core need for human development and well-being, enabling individuals, communities and countries to achieve their full potential and to improve their quality of life....UNESCO, with its mandate to promote the free flow of ideas using words and images, and to maintain, increase, preserve and disseminate knowledge, has thus established the Information for All Programme – it seeks to narrow the gap between the information rich and the information poor and to contribute to building Knowledge Societies. Many of the actions of the Information for All Programme are designed to set standards, raise awareness and monitor progress so as to achieve universal access to information and knowledge....This report provides an overview of IFAP’s work within its current three priority areas – information literacy, infoethics, and the preservation of information – over the last two years....

In parallel, handbook with essential information on a core set of issues is being developed. These include updating of national copyright laws, technological protection measures, the terms of protection, orphaned works, database rights, public lending right; trade agreements, the relationship between copyright law and contract law, open access publishing, Creative Commons licensing and international copyright developments. The handbook will also outline policy issues relevant to libraries and will contain guidance on advocacy for non-specialist librarians, thus comprising a key part of the online resources toolkit, a central reference for copyright issues for libraries and a handy glossary. It is therefore important to ensure that the information is sufficiently generic so that it can be re-used throughout the region and in different jurisdictions. In this sense, take-up, re-use and translation into local languages are part of the success of the project.