On discussion days, come to the full class first for 15-20 minutes so that I can set up the discussion. Then we'll break into small group for the rest of the class period. Discussion days are marked in the syllabus.
In parentheses after each group's room number I've indicated its model legislation topic.
Group 1, Carpenter 322 (assisted suicide)
- Passant Adly (adlypa)
- Hannah Bacon (baconha)
- Adam Bee (beead)
- Wendy Beveridge (beverwe)
- Elizabeth Claffey (claffel)
- David Eberhardt (eberhda)
- Daniel Ellis (ellisda)
Group 2, Carpenter 315 (same-sex and group marriage)
- Robin Eastman (eastmro)
- Cory Foley-Marsello (foleyco)
- Meg Fukuzawa (fukuzme)
- Sarah Harrison (harrisa1)
- Edward Hyde (hydeed)
- Reuben Lacy (lacyre)
- Jessica Sylvia (sylvije)
Group 3, Carpenter 212 (the rescue doctrine)
- Angelique Owanga (owangan)
- Alex Lemann (lemanal)
- Leah LeSuer-Mandernack (lesuele)
- Lucy Martin (martilu)
- Toby McNulty (mcnulto)
- Karlina Merkens (merkeka)
- Matthew Miller (millema)
Group 4, Carpenter 321 (prostitution)
- Caitlin Lamb (lambca)
- Tyler Mintzer (mintzty)
- Sonoko Morimoto (morimso)
- Evan Ogburn (ogburev)
- James Plyley (plyleja)
- Melissa Quinn (quinnme)
- Laura Rosenberg (rosenla)
- Carrie Seltzer (seltzca)
Group 5, Carpenter 323 (public indecency)
- Kate Kidder (kiddeka)
- Matthew Rankin (rankima2)
- Kelly Severtson (severke)
- Lelia Summers (summele)
- Mary Tamm (tammma)
- Stuart Taylor (taylost)
- Tom Weiss-Lehman (weissto)
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Peter Suber, Department of Philosophy, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, 47374.